
meaning meaningful

导读《Man39;s Search For Meaning》This book does not claim to be an account of facts and events but of pe

《Man&39;s Search For Meaning》

This book does not claim to be an account of facts and events but of personal experiences, experiences which millions of prisoners have suffered time and again. It is the inside story of a concentration camp, told by one of its survivors.

1.prisoner /?pr?z?n?/ /?priz-n?r/:

(1) a person who is kept in prison as a punishment, or while they are waiting for trial.囚犯;犯人;羁押候审者

eg: The number of prisoners serving life sentences has falled.


life sentences:无期徒刑

the punishment of sending someone to prison for the rest of their life or for a very long time

prison /?pr?z?n/ /?pri-z?n/:监狱;看守所

①a building where people are kept as a punishment for a crime they have committed, or while they are waiting for trial.

②the system of keeping people in prisons.

③a place or situation from which sb cannot escape.

punish /?p?n??/ /?p?-nish/:处罚;惩罚

to make sb suffer because they have broken the law or done sth wrong.

(2) a person who has been captured, for example by an enemy, and being kept somewhere.

2.concentration camp:集中营

a prison where political prisoners and other people who are not soldiers are kept and treated cruelly, especially during a war.

concentration /?k?ns?n?tre???n/ /?k?n(t)-s?n-?trā-sh?n/:

①the ability to direct all your effort and attention on one thing, without thinking of other things.专心;专注

②the process of people directing effort and attention on a particular thing.关注;重视

③a lot of sth in one place.集中;聚集

④the amount of a substance in a liquid or in another substance.浓度;含量

camp /k?mp/ /?kamp/:营地

①a place where people live temporarily in tents or temporary buildings.

②a place where young people go on holiday/vacation and take part in various activities or a particular activity.

③a place where people are kept in temporary buildings or tents, especially by a government and offen for a long time.

3.survivor /s??va?v?/ /s?r-?vīv/:幸存者

①someone who continue to live after an accident, war, or illness.

②someone who manages to live normally in spite of problems.

spite: a feeling of wanting to hurt or upset sb恶意;怨恨

in spite of sth: if you say that sb did sth in spite of a fact, you mean it is surprising that that fact did not prevent them from doing it.尽管

in spite of yourself: if you do sth in spite of yourself, you do it although you did not intend or expect to.不由自主