
predestination exaggerate

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题目:前缘 (Predestination) 席慕容(Xi Murong)

Should man really be reincarnated 人若真能转世

Had the samsara of life truly occurred 世间若真有轮回

So my love, what in prior lives could we have been? 那麽 我的爱 我们前世曾经是什麽

If you were a southern girl of lotus-picking 你若曾是江南采莲的女子

I could have been a lotus that your pale wrist is missing 我必是你皓腕下错过的那朵

If you were a truant urchin,你若曾是逃学的顽童

I could have been a brand new hoodle 我必是从你袋中掉下的那颗崭新的弹珠

Slipping through your pocket and in the grass by the road 在路旁的草丛中

Peeping you far off but not in the know 目送你毫不知情地远去

If you were a monk always meditating to face the wall 你若曾是面壁的高僧

I could have been an incense in front of the hall 我必是殿前的那一柱香

Burning for a serene time to accompany you 焚烧著 陪伴过你一段静默的时光

Even though we've thus encountered in the present life 因此 今生相逢

Always lingering is a feel that our predestination 总觉得有些前缘未尽

Has not fully fulfilled, but too vague to discern 却又很恍忽 无法仔细地去分辨

And yet to detail you 无法一一地向你说出