
loseyourself lose yourself翻译

导读河沙裹流,非沉淀不能清澈;人生祸患,非取舍不能避之。水的清澈,并非因为它不含杂质,而是在于懂得沉淀!心的通透,不是因为没有杂念,而是在于明白取舍!The river sand is wrapped a




The river sand is wrapped and cannot be clear without sedimentation; Life is a disaster that cannot be avoided unless it is a choice.

The clarity of water is not because it does not contain impurities, but because it knows how to precipitate!

The heart is transparent, not because there are no distractions, but because you understand the choice!



The world of mortals is rolling, and life needs precipitation; Life should know trade-offs.

Life after precipitation will be more rich and thick; The life after choice will be more simple and beautiful.


If you want to grasp the time and years in life, you should precipitate your mind. You can&39;t be eager for quick success and instant benefit. If you want to achieve great things, you should give up small profits. If you don&39;t know how to choose, you won&39;t get what you want.



Learn to precipitate life, experience, mood and yourself.

Let the clear rise and the turbid sink, shake off all the worries in life in the long river of time, let the mind be quiet for a moment in impetuosity, and let life be quiet in movement.


There are gains and losses in life. What belongs to you will always be there. What does not belong to you will eventually leave.



Life, forget what should be forgotten, put what should be put, give up what should be given, get what should be given, don&39;t force, don&39;t stay, don&39;t entangle, don&39;t tangle, follow your heart, everything belongs to the truth, everything belongs to nature.

People&39;s heart needs a lifetime to precipitate, and we also need a lifetime to make choices. After precipitation, the heart will be brighter; Life after choice will be more valuable.



Water is clear because it knows how to precipitate; The heart is transparent because it knows the choice.

The clearer the water is, the more transparent the heart is. We should try to look down on the vicissitudes of the world and be safe. I will not hurt myself and the years will be fine.



The road of life should be more and more open. The mountains and rivers in the way are high and long. All the accumulated sun, moon and rivers are trekking and crossing of wisdom; Every ups and downs is a test of fate.

Sink your heart, relax your heart, summarize after thinking, and improve after understanding.




Success is never in any order, only in the result. All joys and sorrows will be diluted and taken away by time. What we have to do is to strive for ourselves.

Precipitation is that no matter whether it is good or bad, lonely or lonely, prosperous or bleak, you can keep your heart, take your own road and live your own life, so as to have a happy life!

Every step of today is to lay out a successful layout for every point in the future, which is called precipitation.



人生没有过不去的坎,风雨过后 ,总会有晴空万里,不管现在是多么的困苦,多么的落魄,都请静下心来,默默地积蓄力量,沉淀自己,取舍人生。

It is not time, but days that make people mature or break down. Life is lost in impetuosity, greed and trade-offs. Mature life, quiet and far; A broken life, impetuous and lost yourself.

Be patient and strong. One day, the pain we have endured will make us strong. Life will never deliberately owe anyone. It gives you a shadow and will shed sunshine not far away.

There is no barrier in life. After the wind and rain, there will always be a clear sky. No matter how difficult and down-to-earth it is now, please calm down, accumulate strength silently, precipitate yourself and choose life.