
英语四级分数分配 The Distribution of CET-4 Scores

导读CET-4 Score DistributionAs one of the most influential English language proficiency exams in China,

CET-4 Score Distribution

As one of the most influential English language proficiency exams in China, the College English Test (CET) has been widely recognized by both schools and employers. The CET-4, a test that focuses on mastering basic English skills, has become a necessary requirement for Chinese undergraduates to graduate and enter the job market.

The Distribution of CET-4 Scores

CET-4 is a four-section exam that includes listening, vocabulary & grammar, reading comprehension, and writing. The scores range from 0 to 710, with a passing score of 425. According to the official statistics, the average score for CET-4 is around 475, and the passing rate is about 60%. However, the score distribution shows us a different picture of how students perform in this exam.

Less than 2% of students get scores above 600, which is considered an excellent performance. More than 25% of students score below 425, which means that they failed to pass the exam. According to a survey conducted by China Education Online, the main reasons for students failing CET-4 are lack of vocabulary and poor reading and listening skills.

The Implications of CET-4 Scores

CET-4 score has a significant impact on students' academic and career paths. For college students, passing CET-4 is a graduation requirement. Students who fail to pass CET-4 cannot graduate or receive their diploma. They will have to retake the exam or take English classes to improve their English proficiency.

For job seekers, CET-4 score is often used as a screening criterion by employers. Many companies require a CET-4 score of at least 450 or 500 for entry-level positions. A higher CET-4 score may not guarantee success in job interviews, but it can increase the chances of job seekers being selected for the next round.

Ways to Improve CET-4 Scores

Improving CET-4 scores requires consistent effort and dedication. Here are some tips for students who want to improve their performance:

Expand vocabulary: Learn new words every day and use them in daily conversations or written assignments.

Watch English movies and TV shows with subtitles: This can help students improve their listening skills and comprehension.

Read English books and articles: This can help students improve their reading speed and comprehension.

Practice writing essays: This can help students improve their writing skills and structure.

Take mock exams: Practice makes perfect. Taking mock exams can help students familiarize themselves with the exam format and test their own performance.


CET-4 is a crucial exam for Chinese students who want to graduate from college and enter the job market. The score distribution shows that many students struggle to pass CET-4, which implies the importance of improving English proficiency in China. With consistent effort and dedication, students can improve their CET-4 performance and achieve better academic and career outcomes.
















