
photo的复数 photo改为复数形式




首先,我们来讨论“晒”的翻译方法。“晒”在这里和晒太阳没有关系,其实就是把某些照片上传到网上(包括各种网站、QQ空间、微信朋友圈等),说得高大上一点就是社交媒体(social media)。换句话说,“晒”有两个元素:1. 上传图片;2. 社交媒体。我们来看看BBC官网怎么说:

Women in Iran have been posting photos on social media of themselves riding bicycles, defying a fatwa forbidding them from cycling in public.


Images uploaded to social media websites hold valuable data that could be used to help protect or manage natural spaces, a study has suggested.


由此可得,“晒”可以说成post photos on social media,也可说成upload images to social media,但要注意post和on搭配,upload和to搭配。“图片”说成photo/picture/image都可以,但要注意photo的复数直接加-s就可以了,而不是加-es。

其次,我们来讨论“年终奖”的英语说法。年终奖就是一年一度的在年终获得的奖金,看来可以直译为year-end bonus,我们通过CNN官网来验证一下:

Villagers stand in front of a 'money wall' in Sichuan, China waiting to collect their year-end bonus from their investments on 14 January.


看来“年终奖”真的可以用year-end bonus来表达。这里的year-end是一个形容词,一般要有连字符,表示“年终的”。而且需要注意bonus是一个可数名词。

综上所述,“晒年终奖”可以翻译为:post photos of one's year-end bonus on social media或upload images of one's year-end bonus to social media

我们来做一个小小的练习吧,“晒娃”怎么翻译?本蟹知道大家一定已经会了:post photos of one's children on social media或upload images of one's children to social media,如果是在微信朋友圈晒,把social media改成WeChat Moments即可。

如果有个人不仅晒娃,还晒年终奖,就可以这样描述:Not only did she post photos of her children on social media, she uploaded images of her year-end bonus to them as well.
