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导读Ursula von der Leyen reacts at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France, on Tuesday after a vot

Ursula von der Leyen reacts at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France, on Tuesday after a vote confirmed her as the new president of the European Commission. [Photo/Agencies]

>Female EU Commission head 欧委员迎来首位女掌门

Germany's Ursula von der Leyen secured European parliamentary approval on Tuesday to become the first female European Commission president. 16日,德国人乌尔苏拉?冯德莱恩获得欧洲议会的认可,成为欧盟历史上首位女性欧委会主席。

"The trust you placed in me is confidence you placed in Europe," said the German conservative, who earlier this week resigned as Berlin's defense minister. "It's a big responsibility and my work starts now. Let us work together constructively because the endeavor is a united and strong Europe," she added. 冯德莱恩称:"你们对我的信任就是对欧洲的信心",她还表示:"欧委会主席一职责任重大,我的工作现在才刚刚开始,让我们秉持建设性态度,共同建设一个团结、强大的欧洲。"冯德莱恩是德国保守派人士,本周早些时候她辞去了德国防长的职务。

Von der Leyen will replace Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker on Nov 1. 她将于11月1日接替现任欧委会主席让-克洛德?容克。

As head of the EU executive, von der Leyen will be in charge of trade negotiations, economic and climate policy for 500 million Europeans and antitrust rulings involving powerful tech giants. 冯德莱恩上任后将负责为5亿欧洲人进行贸易谈判,制定经济和气候方面的政策,做出涉及科技巨头的反垄断裁决。

Actress Emilia Clarke and actor Kit Harington from a scene from Game of Thrones. [Photo/Mtime]

>GoT leads Emmy nominations '权游'获32项艾美奖提名

HBO's "Game of Thrones" slashed its way to a record-setting 32 Emmy nominations Tuesday for its eighth and final season, leading HBO back to dominance over Netflix, the streaming service that bumped it last year from atop the increasingly crowded television heap. 16日,HBO的嗜血奇幻剧《权力的游戏》第八季即最终季创纪录地拿下32项艾美奖提名,使HBO重新确立对流媒体服务商奈飞的领先地位。在日益激烈的电视剧集竞争中,奈飞去年曾打破HBO的艾美奖提名统治地位。

The bloodthirsty saga toppled the all-time series record of 27 nods earned by "NYPD Blue" in 1994. 《权游》打破了1994年《纽约重案组》保持的27项提名的历史记录,成为艾美奖史上单届提名最多的剧集。

If "Game of Thrones" successfully defends it best drama series title and claims a fourth trophy, it will join the quartet of most-honored dramas that includes "Hill Street Blues," ''L.A. Law," ''The West Wing" and "Mad Men." 如果《权游》能成功卫冕艾美奖"最佳剧集奖",第四次夺魁,它将与《希尔街的布鲁斯》、《洛城法网》、《白宫风云》、《广告狂人》并列成为艾美奖历史上最受推崇的剧集。

Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

>Quiz about moving home 英高中生测验独立能力

Sixth formers are to be quizzed on whether they can cook five hot meals and how often they should change their sheets, as part of a government-backed scheme to prepare them for university. 在一项由英国政府支持的大学入学准备计划中,中学六学级的学生将接受是否能做五个热菜以及多久换一次床单等方面的测试。

Ministers are urging schools to put on special workshops for students aged 16-18 to ensure they feel comfortable with the prospect of leaving home. 英国的大臣们敦促学校为16岁至18岁的学生开设特别讲习班,以确保他们能适应离家上大学的生活。

The course, designed by the university accommodation provider Unite Students, will teach pupils how to manage their finances and how to live independently. 这门课程由大学住宿服务机构"联合学生"公司设计,将教授学生如何管理财务以及如何独立生活。

According to the course materials, teachers should ask students questions which may not have occurred to them, such as "what is the price of a litre of milk?" and "list 5 hot meals you can cook from scratch". 根据课程教材,老师会问学生一些他们之前可能从没遇到过的问题,比如"一升牛奶的价格是多少?"以及"列出5个你完全会做的热菜"。

Damian Hinds, the education secretary, said: "We are all very conscious that moving away from home and going to university is one of the most exciting things that happens in your life but it can also be very daunting." 教育大臣达米安?海因兹说:"我们都很清楚,离开家去上大学是你生活中最激动人心的事情之一,但也可能非常令人生畏。"

He said that an important part of education is preparing children for adulthood so "and it is right that we teach them what to expect for life after school". 他说,教育的一个重要部分是让孩子为成年做好准备,所以"我们应当教会他们学校之外的生活"。


>Old-age pensions boosted 全国23省份上调养老金

Twenty-three provincial-level regions in China have announced plans to raise their basic old-age pensions. Fifteen regions, including Hebei, Inner Mongolia autonomous region, Jiangxi, Shaanxi and Jiangsu, have promised to pay the raised pension to retirees before the end of July. 全国已有23个省份公布其基本养老金上调计划。河北、内蒙古、江西、陕西、江苏等15省承诺,将于7月底前完成上调后养老金的发放。

Regional plans to reduce enterprises' social insurance premium rate are also being gradually implemented across the country. 此外,全国各地也正在逐渐实施企业社保费率下调计划。

Statistics show in the first half of 2019 enterprise expenses for basic endowment insurance, unemployment insurance and employment injury insurance have been cut by over 128 billion yuan. 数据显示,今年上半年,企业职工基本养老保险、失业保险、工伤保险缴费减少逾1280亿元。

A recent State Council executive meeting decided to fully implement transferring State assets to social security funds this year. 近日召开的国务院常务会议决定,今年将全面推开划转部分国有资本充实社保基金。

More beneficial policies are expected to be launched in the second half of 2019, as the country continues to advance social security reform. 随着我国继续推进社保改革,更多优惠政策预计将于今年下半年出台。

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