
machine machine用法

导读machine 1540s, 34;structure of any kind,34; from Middle French machine 34;device, contrivance

machine (n.)

1540s, &34;structure of any kind,&34; from Middle French machine &34;device, contrivance,&34; from Latin machina &34;machine, engine, military machine; device, trick; instrument&34; (source also of Spanish maquina, Italian macchina), from Greek makhana, Doric variant of mekhane &34;device, means,&34; related to mekhos &34;means, expedient, contrivance,&34; from PIE *maghana- &34;that which enables,&34; from root *magh- (1) &34;to be able, have power&34; (cognates: Old Church Slavonic mogo &34;be able,&34; Old English m?g &34;I can;&34; see may (v.)).Main modern sense of &34;device made of moving parts for applying mechanical power&34; (1670s) probably grew out of mid-17c. senses of &34;apparatus, appliance&34; and &34;military siege-tower.&34; In late 19c. slang the word was used for both &34;penis&34; and &34;vagina,&34; one of the few so honored. Political sense is U.S. slang, first recorded 1876. Machine age is attested by 1851:The idea of remodelling society at public meetings is one of the least reasonable which ever entered the mind of an agitator: and the notion that the relations of the sexes can be re-arranged and finally disposed of by preamble and resolution, is one of the latest, as it should have been the last, vagary of a machine age. [&34;The Literary World,&34; Nov. 1, 1851]Machine for living (in) &34;house&34; translates Le Corbusier&39;s machine à habiter (1923).

机器 15世纪40年代,“任何类型的结构”,源于中世纪法国的机器“设备”,发明,“拉丁机器”的机器、引擎、军事机器;设备、技巧;工具”(也来源于西班牙的马奎纳语,意大利的machina),源于希腊语makhana,Doric变体mekhane“装置,手段”,与mekhos有关的手段,权宜之计,发明,“从馅饼*马加那”-使,“从根*magh-(1)“能够,有力量”(同源词:旧教会斯拉夫语mogo“可以,”古英语m?g“我能”;见五月(v.)。主要的现代意义“装置由运动部件制成,用于施加机械力”(1670年代)可能产生于17世纪中期,“设备”和“军事攻城塔”。在19世纪晚期,这个词同时用于“阴茎”和“阴道”,这是为数不多的受人尊敬的词之一。政治意识是美国俚语,最早记载于1876年。机器时代在1851年就得到了印证:在公开会议上重塑社会的想法是一个煽动者头脑中最不合理的思想之一:而两性关系可以重新安排并最终通过序言和决议加以处理的观念是最新的,因为它本应是最后一个,机器时代的变幻莫测。[“文学世界”,1851年11月1日]生活机器(in)“房子”翻译了柯布西耶的机器适应者(1923年)。

machinery (n.)

1680s; from machine (n.) + -ery. Originally theatrical, &34;devices for creating stage effects&34; (which also was a sense of Greek mekhane); meaning &34;machines collectively&34; is attested from 1731. Middle English had machinament &34;a contrivance&34; (early 15c.).



machinist (n.)

1706, &34;engineer, mechanical inventor,&34; a hybrid from machine (n.) + -ist. Meaning &34;machine operator&34; is attested from 1879.



machinate (v.)

&34;lay plots, intrigue,&34; c.1600, a back-formation from machination, or else from Latin machinatus, past participle of machinari (see machination). Related: Machinated; machinating; machinator.



machination (n.)

late 15c., &34;a plotting, intrigue,&34; from Old French machinacion &34;plot, conspiracy, scheming, intrigue,&34; from Latin machinationem (nominative machinatio) &34;device, contrivance, machination,&34; noun of action from past participle stem of machinari &34;contrive skillfully, to design; to scheme, to plot,&34; from machina (see machine (n.)). Related: Machinations.



machinator (n.)

1610s, from Latin machinator, agent noun from past participle stem of machinari &34;design, contrive, plot&34; (see machine (n.)).



machinable (adj.)

1896, from machine (v.) + -able. Related: Machinability.

