




The Suffix (前缀): -ize

在英语中,-ize是很重要的一个后缀,它可以把名词或者形容词转化成动词。动词后缀-ize表示make, 解释为“使成......状态”, “使......化”。 英式英语中也使用-ise。


  1. computer (电脑) --- computerize (使电脑化)
  2. fertile (肥沃的)--- fertilize (使受精,使受胎)
  3. hospital (医院)--- hospitalize (送某人入院治疗)
  4. idol (偶像) --- idolize (把......当偶像崇拜)
  5. industrial (工业的)--- industrialize (使工业化)
  6. legal (合法的)--- legalize (使合法化)
  7. deodorant (除臭剂) --- deodorize (除去......的臭气)

Practice: (练一练)

A. Complete the sentences below with the words above. Be sure to use the correct form of the words. (用刚才所学的单词来填写以下句子,注意用该单词的正确形式填空)

1. Thousands of teen girls __________ that rock star. They can&39;t resist his allure.

  1. Due to the air pollution during the hot and humid summer, many old people were ______with breathing problems.
  2. Drinking alcohol used to be illegal in the United States. It was _________ in 1933.
  3. __________ countries can produce higher quantities or products than those that continue to produce goods by hand.
  4. This new cleaner claims to _________ carpets that smell bad.
  5. Our company used to have rows and rows of filing cabinets to store information on paper before our office systems were ___________.
  6. For fruit trees to produce fruit, it is crucial that there be bees and other insects to visit the flowers and _________ the fruit.

B. Add the suffix -ize to the words in the box and use them to complete the sentences. Be sure to add -ize to the root word. 将下列单词加上后缀 -ize 后填入以下句子。

modern sanitary final energy colony demon

  1. A cup of coffee before a test always _________ me.
  2. I can&39;t show you the party plans until I __________ them.
  3. You can use alcohol or iodine to ____________ a wound.
  4. In just a few years the country&39;s electrical and road systems were __________.
  5. Most of North America was _______ by England, France, and Spain.
  6. The hated leader was ____________ in the newspapers after the revolution.
