
received是什么意思 receive翻译

导读1. feed, raise feed 喂养,养活,饲养 , raise 饲养,养育 raise

1. feed, raise

feed 喂养,养活,饲养 (to give food to),

raise 饲养,养育 (cause to grow, bring up children)

raise the family

2. mean to do, mean doing

mean to do 打算,想要做某事,

mean doing 意思是,意味着

By this I mean giving the students more practice.

3. a girl, one girl

a girl 可泛指所有女孩,

one girl 一个女孩

Can one girl carry such a big box?

4. in place of, in the place of

in place of 代替,

in the place of 在…地方

A new building is built in the place of the old one.

5. in secret, in the secret

in secret 秘密地,暗自地,偷偷地,一般用作状语;

in the secret 知道内情,知道秘密,一般用作表语

My aunt was in the secret from the beginning.

6. take a chair, take the chair

take a chair 相当于 sit down 坐下,

take the chair 开始开会

7. die from, die of

die from 表示死于(枪)伤,虚弱,过度劳累,饮食过度等,

die of 表示死于疾病,饥饿,寒冷,年老,忧愁,失恋等精神因素

die of hunger and cold

8. pay for, pay back, pay off

pay for 为…付钱,

pay back 还钱,但不一定还清,

pay off 还清

9. arrive, get, reach

arrive 不及物动词,后接in (大地点),at(小地点)

get 不及物动词后接 to,

reach 及物动词

arrive in Beijing,

get to Beijing,

reach Beijing

10. manage, try

manage to do 设法做成了某事,

try to do 尽力去做某事但不一定成功

He tried to pass the exam, but he failed.

11. be familiar to, be familiar with

be familiar to 某物对某人来说是熟悉的,

The book is familiar to me.

be familiar with 某人熟悉某物

I&39;m familiar with the book.

12. agree with, agree to, agree on

agree with 同意某人,

agree to 同意某事,

agree on 在…上达成一致意见,


agree with you,

agree to the plan

13. receive, accept

receive 收到某一东西,但不一定接受,

accept 接受

I received a gift, but I didn&39;t accept it.

14. wear, put on, dress

wear 和 dress 表状态,

wear 接衣服等,可用进行时,

dress 接人, be dressed in,

put on 表动作 It&39;s cold outside.

Put on your warm clothes.

15. listen, hear

listen 强调动作,hear 强调结果

I listened, but I heard nothing.

16. look, see, watch

look 看的动作,

see 看的结果,

watch 强调所看物体的变化、移动和发展

watch TV

17. lie, lay

lie躺,位于(lay, lain),

说谎 (lied, lied),

lay平放 (laid, laid)

lay the book

18. hurt, injure, wound

hurt 感情上受伤,

injure 事故中受伤,

wound 战争中受伤

He was wounded in the war.

19. turn, get, grow

turn 表突变,后常接表颜色的词,

get 强调变的结果,

grow 强调过程,逐渐的变化

turn yellow, get tired, grow big

20. happen, take place

happen 偶然性的没有预料到的事情的发生,

take place 必然性的发生

Great changes have taken place in my hometown.

初中英语 中考英语词汇 英语学霸 初中英语提分法宝 中考英语语法



