

导读盘点知识一、重点词汇拓展。1. easy adj. ----easily adv.容易地------difficult(反义词)困难的。2. Tomato n. ---- tomatoes (复



1. easy adj. ----easily adv.容易地------difficult(反义词)困难的。

2. Tomato n. ---- tomatoes (复数)西红柿

3. Healthy adj. -----health n.健康------ unhealthy(反义词)不健康的--healthily adv.健康地

4. Always adv. ----never (反义词)从不

5. Woman n.------women(复数)女子

6. Happy adj.----unhappy (反义词)不快乐的;不幸福的----happily adv.快乐的;高兴地

7. Science n.科学----scientist n.科学家

8. Art n.----artist n.艺术家,画家

9. Week n.----musical adj.音乐的,爱好音乐的-----musical n.音乐家

1、 掌握重点句型

1. Let me (get) it.

2. We go to (the same) school and we (love soccer).

3. I love sports,but I ( don't play) them.----I only read novels.

4. It's (easy for me).

5. Liming asks the basketball (star), Yaoming,(about ) his (eating habits).

6. Let's( think about) the food.

7. I don't (to be fat).

8. (for) girls,we have (skirts in purple for) only $20.

9. Come and (buy )your clothes (at our great sale).

10. Do you want (to come to ) my birthday (party)?

11. We have come (interesting) and (fun things) for you.



Hey,Helen,(Let's )go.(Unit5 p26)


1. Let sb. do sth.是一个以动词let为使役动词,意为"让",常用结构为let sb.do sth.意为"让某人做某事"。此结构中sb.可以是名词,也可是代词。若是代词,要用宾格形式。

2. Let's do sth.结构常用来提出建议,意为:"让我们。。。。。。",表示否定时用"Let's not do sth."。要表示赞成,用Ok./All right./Good idea./That sounds good.等作答;若表示不赞成,用Sorry,I ....等作答。

[拓展]以Let's 开头的祈使句,其反意疑问句的附加部分用will you.

For example:

Let's not go to school on Sunday,shall we?

Let us go to school on Sunday,won't you?

3. need可作实义动词或情态动词,也可作名词。其用法区别如下:

(1) 实义动词。


A:当主语是人时,接名词或动词不定式。即:need sth/need to sth.

B:当主语为物时,接名词或动名词形式。即:need sth/need doing sth.注意:need doing sth .=need to be done,具有被动意义。

For example:

He needs some books.

It's cold outside.You need to wear a sweater.

The tree needs water.

The tree need watering.=The tree need to be watered.

(2) 情态动词


For example:

You needn't go this week.

-----Need I come tomorrow?

-----yes,you must./No,you needn't.



意为"需求;需要"。In (great) need of ;meet the needs of....

For example:

There's no need for you to try again.

The school is in great of textbooks.


(1) need后跟不定式,用于否定句时,意为"不必",表示没义务或没必要做某事。如:You don't need to write right now.

(2) 在由must 引导的一般疑问句中,其肯定回答为:must。否定回答为:needn't或don't have to .如:

----Must I see the doctor now?

-----Yes,you must./No,you needn't/don't have to.是的,必须。/不,不必。

4. busy作形容词,意为"忙碌的,无暇的"。常用来修饰名词作定语或用在系动词之后作表语。For example:

His father is a busy man.

My teacher is always busy on Sunday.

含busy 的两个常用结构:

(1) be busy with sth.with后接名词。

My brother is busy with his homework.

(2) Be busy (in)doing sth.busy 后接动词-ing形式。

I am busy in mending my bike.