
wait 的过去形式(wait的过去进行时)

导读【动词过去式】go——went 去come——came 来meet——met 遇见see——saw 看见buy——bought 买run——ran 跑drop——dropped 掉落stop——sto


go——went 去

come——came 来

meet——met 遇见

see——saw 看见

buy——bought 买

run——ran 跑

drop——dropped 掉落

stop——stopped 停止

send——sent 发送

do(does)——did 做/助动词

is(am)——was 是

are——were 是

have——had 吃/有

eat——ate 吃

live——lived 居住


wait —— waited 等待

finish ——finished 完成

visit —— visited 参观

watch——watched 观看

help——help 帮助


Lingling went to London Town .

She met John, a little boy.

They visited the London Eyeand saw the city from above the ground.


Did you come back yesterday? 约翰:你们昨天回来的吗?

No, we came back last Sunday. 不,我们上周日回来的。

Did you walk to school yesterday?你昨天步行来学校的吗?

No,I came to school by bus.不,我乘公共汽车来学校的。

Did you have rice yesterday?你昨天吃米饭了吗?

No,I had noodles yesterday.不,我昨天吃面条了。

-Did Lingling phone you? 玲玲给你打电话了吗?

-No.she didn't. 不,她没有。

-Did she send you an email? 她给你发电子邮件了吗?

-No.she didn't. 不,她没有。

Did you buy any bananas?你买香蕉了吗?

Yes,I bought six bananas.是的,我买了六根香蕉。

-Did Amy eat all the chocolate?埃米吃了所有的巧克力吗?

-Yes,she ate it all. 是的,她把它都吃了。


Dear Daming,

Yesterday I went to the park with Sam and Amy. We met John in the park. He’s Sam and Amy' s friend. We bought ice creams. Then we went home by bus. I ran tothe bus. And I dropped my ice cream on John's new shoes .

I was very sorry.

Did Lingling go to the park yesterday?玲玲昨天去公园了吗?

Did she meet John?她遇见约翰了吗?

Did they buy ice creams?他们买冰激凌了吗?

Did they go home by bike?他们骑自行车回家的吗?

Did Lingling walk to the bus?玲玲走向公共汽车的吗?

Did Lingling drop her ice cream?玲玲弄掉了她的冰激凌吗?



what什么 where哪儿 how怎样 how many多少(接可数名词) how much多少(接不可数名词) who谁 when什么时候

What did you buy?你买了什么?

We bought some apples.我们买了一些苹果。

I bought five pears.我买了五个梨。

How many bananas/apples did you buy? 你们买了多少根香蕉/苹果?


We didn't buy any bananas. We bought twelve eggs. 我们没买香蕉。我们买了12个鸡蛋。

-How much juice did she drink?她喝了多少果汁?

-She drank it all. 她把它都喝了。

How much juice/milk did you buy? 你们买了多少果汁/牛奶?

We bought two bottles.我们买了两瓶。

How much cheese/chocolate did you buy? 你们买了多少奶酪/巧克力

Half a kilo.半千克。


What did you buy at the supermarket?


I bought some bananas and rice.


____ bananas did you buy?


I bought____.


____rice did you buy?


I bought ____.



What did you do at the weekend? 大明:我很好,谢谢。你们在周末做什么了?

We visited lots of places. 埃米:我们参观了许多地方。

Where did you go? 你们去了哪儿?

We went to the British Museum.我们去了大英博物馆。

Daming:How did you go to these places? 大明:你们怎样去这些地方的?

Amy:We went by bus.埃米:我们乘公共汽车去的。

Who took this picture?谁拍的这张照片?

Daming did.大明拍的。

Now answer the questions.根据短文内容回答问题。

Daming and his father went to the Great Wall at the weekend.They went to Badaling by bus.They arrived there at ten o'clock in the morning.The wall is very old and very long.They walked on the wall for one hour.There were lots of people.They took photos of the mountains with beautiful flowers and green plants. Daming took a photo of his father.


Who went to the Great Wall?谁去了长城?

How did they go there?他们怎样去那儿的?

When did they arrive?他们什么时候到达的?

What did Daming do?大明做什么了?


Where did you go at the weekend?你在周末去了哪儿?

I went to Beidaihe.我去了北戴河。

How did you go there?你怎样去那儿的?

I went there by train,我乘火车去那儿的。

What did you do there?你在那儿做什么了?

I went swimming in the sea.我去海里游泳了。