
nomore no more(terrence)

导读no longer意为“不再......”时,等于any longerlonger是副词long的比较级,修饰延续性动词,如teach,work等,着重表示时间的不再延续,意为如今不再。can

nomore no more(terrence)

no longer意为“不再......”时,等于any longer


nomore no more(terrence)

  • can't wait any longer.不能再等了。
  • He no longer smokes.他不再抽烟了。
  • Oh, the Smiths no longer live there—they moved out last year.哦,史密斯一家不住那儿了----他们去年就搬走了。
  • It took a long time, but I no longer feel the craving for a cigarette, thank God!戒烟花了好长时间,不过现在没有烟瘾了,谢天谢地!
  • They no longer make this model of blender.他们不再生产这个型号的搅拌器了。

nomore no more(terrence)

no more是many/much的比较级,more有again之意,修饰非延续性动词,如come,go等,着重表示数量或程度的减少,意为“再也没有更多/大的数量/程度”。no more=not...any more

nomore no more(terrence)

  • Oh, no more chicken for me, thanks—I'm full!哦,我不再需要鸡肉了,谢谢---我吃饱了!
  • No more mentions of my ex-girlfriend, all right? My heart just can't take it.别再提我前女友了,好吗?我快受不了了。
  • We don’t have any more candy.我们只有这么多糖果了。
  • She doesn't live here anymore.她不在这里住了。
  • Why doesn't he speak to me anymore?他为什么不再搭理我了?

nomore no more(terrence)