

导读英语语法重要的介词的用法汇总欢迎关注 今日头条艾妮英语,想学习系统视频课程,点击 专栏,查看系统课程。重要的介系词 in1. 在…… 例Tom lives in New York.


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(1) in

1. 在……(地) 例:Tom lives in New York. (汤姆住在纽约。)

2. 在……(时) 例:I have never seen snow in my life. (我一生不曾看过雪。)

3. 在……(时)之后 例:She will get well in a week or so. (大约一周之后她就会康复。)

4. 用……(语言、材料) 例:Sign your name in English. (用英语签名。)

5. 在……(状态中) 例:I am always in good health. (我一直很健康。)

6. 穿戴着…… 例:I don't like the man in the red tie. (我不喜欢那打红领带的男人。)

(2) on

1. 在……上面 例:Don't sit on the floor. (不要坐在地板上。)

2. 在……(时) 例:I was born on October 3. (我出生在十月三日。)

3. 在……(状态中) 例:The house is on fire. (那房子在燃烧中。)

4. 关于 例:Miss Wang read a book on animals. (王老师看了一本关于动物的书。)

5. 依靠……(方法;手段) 例:Chinese live on rice. (中国人以米食为生。)

(3) at

1. 在……(地) 例:I met him at the corner of the street. (我在那条街的转角处碰到他。)

2. 在……(时) 例:Our school begins at 8:20. (我们从八点二十分开始上课。)

3. 对准……(目标) 例:The boy threw the bone at the dog. (男孩把骨头朝那只狗丢去。)

4. 听到、看到 (表原因) 例:I was surprised at the news. (听到那消息我很惊讶。)

5. 以……(速度、温度、价格) 例:I sold my car at a high price. (我高价卖掉我的车。)

(4) for

1. ……之久(表时间) 例:I have been here for three hours. (我在这里待了3小时之久。)

2. 以……而言 例:The girl is tall for her age. (就这女孩的年龄而言, 她算是高的。)

3. 给……(人) 例:The present is for you. (这礼物是给你的。)

4. 前往 例:I took the tram for Keelung. (我搭了往基隆的火车。)

5. 由于;为了(表原因) 例:The town is famous for its old castle. (这城镇以其古堡而闻名。)

※A-mei is famous for her good voice. (A-mei以好嗓子闻名。)

A-mei is famous as a singer. (A-mei以歌手身分闻名。)

(5) to

1. 到……(地) 例:All roads lead to Rome. (条条道路通罗马。)

2. 到……(时) 例:We stayed there to the end of May. (我们在那里待到五月底。)

3. 对……(表动作的对象) 例:Listen to me. (听我说。)

4. 为了……(表目的) 例:To your health. (祝你健康。)

(6) with

1. 和……一起 例:Mix the sugar with the eggs. (将糖加入蛋中搅拌。)

2. 用……(工具) 例:He cut down the tree with an ax. (他用斧头砍下那棵树。)

3. 附有…… 例:I saw a house with a red roof. (我看见一间红色屋顶的房子。)

4. 关于 例:What's the matter with you? (你怎么了?)

5. 在……身上/手上例:have little money with me. (我身上只有一点点钱。)

6. 随着 例:Languages grow and change with time. (语言随时间成长和改变。)

(7) of

1. ……的 例:The door of the room is open. (房间的门开着。)

2. ……当中的例:She is one of the members. (她是会员之一。)

3. 以……构成 例:She is wearing a dress of silk. (她穿着丝质的洋装。)

※The desk is made of wood. (这书桌是木制的。)

Wine is made from grapes. (葡萄酒由葡萄制成。)

4. ……之量的 例:I drank a cup of coffee at breakfast. (早餐时我喝了一杯咖啡。)

(8) by

1. 在……旁边 例:The house is by the roadside. (那房子在路旁。)

2. 被……(表行为者) 例:She was bitten by a dog. (她被狗咬了。)

3. 用……(方式;手段) 例:I made money by selling fruit. (我靠卖水果赚钱。)

4. 不晚于……(表期限) 例:I have to be home by ten o'clock. (十点前我必须到家。)

5. 乘坐……(交通工具) 例:We go to school by bus (=on a bus). (我们搭公交车上学。)

6. 以……为准 例:What time is it by your watch? (你的表现在几点?)

7. 只差……(表差异或程度) 例:He is older than I by two years.

→He is two years older than I. (他比我大两岁。)
