
先生英文怎么写(先生 的英语)

导读今天讲迪尼斯的一部动画《艾莲娜公主》,本篇为第一季第一集上半部分;一字一句阅读完本篇只花费3分36秒~,还是四舍五入的艾莲娜公主,第一季第一集beginning: 开头,开始,故事的开头




beginning: 开头,开始,故事的开头 the beginning of story;

except mine字面直译是除了我的,这里的语境就是除了我的故事,这里的剧情是女主说她的故事有两个开头。所以她说每个故事只有一个开头,她的除外;


amulet: a small piece of jewellery worn to protect against bad luck, disease etc 护身符,驱邪物〔为驱邪、防病等佩戴的小件珠宝〕

power-hungry 字面直译是对权力饥饿的,也就是渴望权力的,对权力有很大的欲望的;

strike down: If someone is struck down, especially by an illness, they are killed or severely harmed. (尤指因疾病) 使丧命; 摧垮,这里的剧情是巫婆想要杀死公主;也在法律上表示驳回的意思,"Despite the reaction it will provoke, the court should strike down HB2." 不管会引发什么连锁反应,最高法院都应该驳回HB2。(经济学人)

spirit animal 灵兽;

It took a little longer than I'd hoped. 这花的时间比我希望的长一些;

heir to the throne 王位继承人,注意介词是to;

rule: 统治;管辖;治理(政府,国家);rule the land统治这片土地,也就是统治这个国家;

daring: involving a lot of risk or danger, or brave enough to do risky things 勇敢的;大胆的;也可作名词表示胆量,勇气;"But it didn't feel like courage or daring that drove me do it." 但我觉得促使我去演讲的并非是勇气或胆量。(2015娜塔莉哈佛毕业演讲)

look out: 留神;当心;警惕;注意;"Are there any more of your friends I should look outfor?" 你还有其他朋友我需要小心的吗?(老友记第九季)

cranky: 奇怪的,古怪的;脾气坏的;"London is a global city, but it is also a collection of villages, cranky and resistant to change." 伦敦是一个全球化城市,但是它也是一个村落的集合而且它古怪又固执地拒绝改变。(经济学人);Mr. Cranky Pants 字面直译是古怪的裤子先生,其实是指那些闹小脾气的人;"Don't be silly. Ben loves you. He's just being Mr. Cranky Pants." 别傻了,Ben很爱你,他只是在闹小脾气。(老友记第二季)

strike a pose: 摆出一种姿势,也表示装腔作势;摆花架子;讽刺人好的表现与实际不符;"Fake it til you make it, she said. Strike a pose, and it could significantly change the way your life unfolds." 她表示,假装强势,直到你真的成功。“装腔作势”会使你的生活方式发生重大改变。(科学60秒)这句话的意思就是要自信,相信自己能做到,假装自己能做到从而去获取真正的成功。

sb's up 某人睡醒了,某人起来了;

should we knock? 我们应该敲门吗?如果你说should we knock the door?就显得繁琐,而且偏向中国式英语;

right away: 立即,立刻,马上;

look through: If you look through a group of things, you examine each one so that you can find or choose the one that you want. 逐一查看;by-laws: n. 章程;附则;


keep your cool: 保持冷静;沉着应付;在老友记中Ross要带暗恋对象Rachel去毕业舞会,他心里明明很激动,但是不断小声告诉自己be cool, be cool, 也和这里的意思一样就是提醒自己要冷静,不要太过于激动,要酷酷哒;

be as+adj+n+as sb 像某人一样......,也是中学考点,注意两个as前后放什么词的顺序;

restore: to make something return to its former state or condition 使某物恢复到以前的状态;介词用to;"You have to follow the regulation and restore the legal order." 我们必须遵守规章制度,恢复法律秩序。(BBC News);"plan to restore the land to what it was." 要把这片土地恢复原貌。(BBC地球系列之非洲);"And how could the US and Cuba fully restore the relationship." 美国和古巴如何完全恢复关系?(CRI专家视线);所以从例子可以知道restore表示恢复秩序,恢复土地的状态,恢复关系;

I'm getting used to the job 字面直译是我正在适应这份工作,也就是我们常说的我还不太上手,对工作内容还不熟练;

take care of , 我们熟知的就是照顾,照料,等同于look after;但是也表示会办妥某事,料理好某事;

what are we waiting for? 我们还在等什么?还等什么?

dock: a place in a port where ships are loaded, unloaded, or repaired 码头;船坞;

port: a place where ships can be loaded and unloaded 港,港口,海港;码头是港口的一个地方,一个港口有多个码头;

harbor patrol 海港巡逻;

keep sb waiting 让某人等着,符合我们日常说话习惯就是让某人干等着;

That's all for today

June 11, 2017. XOXO