
trytodo和trydoing的区别是什么(try+to do还是doing)

导读try to do设法、试图做try doing试做/试用try and do——语意同于try to d

try to do设法、试图做(to do为try的目的)

try doing试做/试用(而为了验证有效与否)(doing为try的手段,try另有目的)

try and do——语意同于try to do,但只有try的形式,而不可用tries/tried等其他形式;

try and do——也可用于否定的祈使句(如Don’t try and get better of me.)


try to do sth的意思是设法做某事

We must try to prevent this happening. 我们必须设法阻止此事发生。

try doing sth的意思是尝试做某事

Try using margarine instead of butter. 试试用人造黄油来替代动物奶油。



I’ll try and get you a new one tomorrow.

Try and finish quickly.

在这一结构中,只能用try地点形式,而不能用tries, tryingtried

注意try to do sthtry doing sth的区别

You should try to eat more fruit意思是:你应该尽量多吃些水果。

You should try eating more fruit意思是:你应该试试多吃些水果(看看身体是不是会好些)。


try: to do or use (something) in order to see if it works or will be successful


I don’t know where she is. Try calling her on her cell phone.


Try (pressing) that button. 试(按)以下那个按钮。

Did you try restarting the computer? 你试过重新启动计算机了吗?

If you want to lose weight, try exercising more. 要想减肥,试着多锻炼。

I tried (opening) the door, but it was locked. 我试着打开这扇门,但门上了锁。

《英语词汇用法辨析手册》第263页try and/try to词条


Try and catch me! 设法抓住我!

Try to tell the truth. 尽量讲真话。

try and是口语体,用得非常频繁;只有在正式的书面英语中,它是不可接受的用法。

注意,在否定的上下文中,try to听上去更好:

She don’t even try to be polite. 她甚至没有试图表现得更有礼貌。

而且,只有try to可以用在过去时间中:

They tried break into the house. 他们设法破门而入。


英语口语中常用try and代替try to,但在书面英语中应避免这种用法。如:

Just try and stop me(你拦着我试试看)。

注意try totry加动词ing形式的区别,后者经常表示建议做某事。如:

I’m going to try to open a jammed door(我眼设法打开一扇卡住的门)。

Try opening the windows to freshen the air(试着把窗子打开,透透气)。

try and do与try to do, try doing具体差异


try doing为知道其结果而试试看之意;

try to do试着去做,努力从事…”

I tried persuading him and succeeded(我试试看想说服他,结果成功了).

I tried to persuade him but in vain(我曾试图说服他,但没有结果).

try and do是比try to do更易懂的口语用法,英以表示劝诱、命令、约束等,try要用原形,通常用祈使法或用于助动词之后,且无过去式或进行式:

Try and get your work done before three o’clock. (设法在3点钟以前完成你的工作。)

I will try and do something about this. (我将想办法处理这件事。)


肯定祈使句有时用try and do(设法做,非正式用法)的形式。

He tried to climb the tree. 他想要爬树。

一般来说,tried climbing表示实际尝试着爬了树,而用不定式to则仅仅表示试着要爬树,不过try doing有时try to do意思相同。

不要说He tried to have climbed the tree.

try and do与try to do, try doing具体差异



tried to be on time设法准时到

try and be early设法早到

I shall try hard. 我要努力。

动词try与and一起使用,这在过去时和有否定含义的句子里并不常见(祈使句例外,如Don’t try and get the better of me(不要试图超过我))。

try and do与try to do, try doing具体差异


try to do以不定式本身为目的,着重这个动词的“试行动作”及其本身结果(成功或不成功);

try doing则另有目的,-ing动词本身动作及其结果只是这个目的的服务的一个手段(而且通常本是成功不成问题的),所着重的是这个手段对达到目的是否有用。

Try turning the key the other way. It might work.

钥匙反方向转转看,也许能行(turning the key the other way是手段,try的目的不是把钥匙反方向转,而是要使钥匙能开锁)。

He tried to turn the key, but it was stuck.

