

导读这篇文章会告诉你如何用英文描述春天,教会你公园里赏花的常见表达。另外,春天怎么能少了野餐活动呢?带孩子去野餐的口语表达,也帮你准备好了。描述春天In spring, flowers begin to



In spring, flowers begin to bloom, days start to get longer, and the temperatures start to rise. 春天,花儿开始绽放,白天开始变长,气温开始回升。

It’s the time of year for people to come outside and do fun activities. 到了人们出门去做有趣的活动的时候了。

Spring is a symbol of rebirth. Plants sprout, flowers bloom, birds lay eggs and animals give birth. 春天象征着万物复苏。植物发芽抽条,花儿绽放,鸟儿下蛋,动物们生宝宝。


Spring is coming! Let’s go to the park! 春天来了!我们去公园吧!

Birds are chirping in the tree. 鸟儿在树上叽叽喳喳地叫着。

Worms are squiggling in the dirt. 虫子在泥土中蠕动。

Beautiful butterflies are fluttering about. 蝴蝶飞来飞去。

Bees are collecting nectar from flowers. They will transform it into honey. 蜜蜂收集花蜜,然后把它变成蜂蜜。

Grass is growing. 草在生长。

New, green and fresh leaves have appeared on the trees and bushes. 树和灌木长出了新鲜、嫩绿的叶子。

Everything is green. 一切都是绿色的。

The flowers are blooming. 花儿开了。

The trees are blossoming. 树上鲜花盛开。

The daisies are flowering. 雏菊开花了。

The flowers are in full bloom. 鲜花盛开。

The flowers are in full blossom. 鲜花盛开。

This one is half open. 这一朵花半开着。

This one is still a bud. 这个还是个花骨朵儿。

This one will open later. 这朵之后会开花。

There are cherry blossoms, peach blossoms, daisies, pansies, rape flowers, tulips, hyacinths, daffodils, peonies, wintersweet flowers, winter jasmine, magnolia flowers. 有樱花、桃花、雏菊、三色堇、油菜花、郁金香、风信子、水仙花、芍药、腊梅花、迎春花、玉兰花。


It’s a lovely sunny day. 今天天气真好。

Let’s go for a picnic. 我们去野餐吧。

There is bread, fruit, juice and snacks in our picnic basket. 我们的野餐篮子里有面包、水果、果汁和零食。

Is everybody ready? 大家都准备好了吗?

Let’s go! 出发了!

It’s great to be outdoors! 在户外真好!

This looks just the spot for out picnic! 这个地方适合野餐!

Hurray! 太棒了!

Let’s eat! 我们开始吃吧!

Good idea! I’m really hungry. 好主意!我真的饿了。

Let’s put our picnic blanket here. 我们把野餐毯子放在这儿吧。

Let’s sit down and have our picnic now. 坐下来开始野餐吧。

The view is really great at the picnic area. 野餐区的风景真不错。

There are many other families having picnics. 好多家庭在这里野餐。
