

导读精准课题宾语从句定 义宾语是一个句子。宾语从句的主句一般有下列三种类型1 主语+实义动词,如I think/hope/believe/want to know/ask/wond


定 义:宾语是一个句子。


1 主语+实义动词,如:I think/hope/believe/want to know/ask/wonder…

2 祈使句,如:Tell me/ Remember…/ Make sure…

3 主系表,如:I am sure/ I am afraid…


1 I find that it is not easy to learn math well.

2 I don' t know if thy can arrive on time.

3 Remember what the doctor told you.

4 I am sure we can work out this problem.




1、 that, 无词义,可省略,引导陈述语气的宾从。

2、 whether/if, "是否",引导一般疑问语气的宾从,if与whether可互用,但宾从中含有or或or not时只能用whether。

3、 wh-/ h- 特殊疑问词及由它们构成的短语, 后面所跟的一般疑问句需变成陈述语序。


1 We've given her some advice, but I don't' know ____ she'll accept it.

A what B where C whether

2 I hope ______ my dream can come true.

A that B if C how

3 They wonder ____ robots will make humans lose their jobs or not.

A that B if C whether

4 Could you say it again? I can't understand ____ you are talking about.

A how B when C what

5 When I asked _______ I should go for lunch, he suggested several restaurants.

A whether B when C where


补充说明:问句中原有的助动词do, did, does变成陈述语序后不会出现在宾从中,它所反映的时态体现在宾从的谓语动词上。但否定句需保留助动词。


what is/was wrong with you ;what is/was the matter with you ;

what is/was happening ; what happened to sb


1 Could you tell me ______________?

A what is your job B what your job is C your job is what

2 – Could you tell me ____________________?

-- This way, please.

A where are the special shoes B where the special shoes are

C where will be the special shoes

3 -Could you tell me ________ in your hometown in winter?


A whether does it often snow B if does it snow

C whether it often snows

4 Could you tell me _____ during Earth Hour on Mar. 31st last year?

A where were you B what you are doing C who you stayed with

5 Let's discuss ______ stop eating dog meat.

A should people B if should people C whether people should







② 如题目中出现两次if,需细心翻译它的词义,如译为"是否",后跟一般将来时(讲述的是未发生的事);如译为"如果",后跟一般现在时(用现在时表将来)。

③ 如主句是Would/ Could you ...,仅表语气,不表时态,主句仍属于现在时的范畴,后面的从句遵从主现从实的规则。


1 The policeman asked the girl _______________ .

A why she was crying B why was she crying C why she is crying

2 The teacher asked the students __________________ .

A why the earth went around the sun B why does the earth go around the sun

C why the earth goes around the sun

4--Tell me ________________. – Well, it's like …

A what is wrong with it B what is it C what the matter is with it

5 --I wonder _____________ at 8:00 last night?

-- I was watching NBA.

A what were you doing B what did you do C what you were doing

6 ----Do you know _______________? -- Next year.

A when he moved to Shanghai B when he will move to Shanghai

C when will he move to Shanghai

7 – Would you like to tell me __________________?

--Sure. Practice makes perfect.

A how can I study English well B why do you learn English well

C how I can study English well

8 I knew that light ________ faster than sound when I was ten.

A will travel B travelled C travels D has travel

9 We're not sure if it __________ tomorrow. If it ________, we wont' go hiking.

A will rain, rains B will rain, will rain C rains, rains D rains will rain

10 ----What did the young lady ask just now?

---- She wondered ________________________________ .

A what time was it B whether the book came out

C if could she use the computer D when she will get her passport



I want to know _______________________________________________ .

2 他问你多大了。

He asked ____________________________________________________.

3 我不知道他将什么时候去北京。

I don't know __________________________________________Beijing.

4 他告诉我他已经完成作业了。

He told me _________________________________________________ .

5 我不知道我该选择哪一个。

I don't know which one ________________________________________ .

6 我想知道八班有多少学生。

I wondered __________________________________________________.

7 我不知道我该怎么办。

I don't know _________________________________________________.

8 ---- Excuse me, _______________________(公园在哪)?

---- I am a stranger here. I am sorry I don't know _________________(公园在哪).


1 Lily's mother looked for her for half an hour, but could not find ______. (09年广东中考)

A what Lily was B what was Lily C where Lily was D where was Lily

2 The policeman asked the boy _________________. (10年广东中考)

A where is his mother B where his mother is

C where was his mother D where his mother was

3 The teacher asked us _______________________. (11年广东中考)

A when did I finish my work B why didn't we tell him about it earlier

C what we were interested in D where we are going to have our lunch

4 – Have you asked the policeman __________________? (12 年广东中考)

---- Certainly. In half an hour.

A when will the high speed train arrive B when the high speed train will arrive

C when would the high speed train arrive D when the high speed train would arrive

5 – Could you tell me
_____________________________? (13年广东中考)

-- Yes. He told us to turn left onto Main Street. It's on the right.

A if there is a bank near here B how can we get to the nearest bank

C where can we find a bank D when we can go to the nearest bank

6 – Do you know ___________________? (14年广东中考)

-- 8,844,43 meters. It's a popular place with mountain climbers.

A how high is Qomolangma B how long is Qomolangma

C how high Qomolangma is D how long Qomolangma is

7 – David asked
__________________________ in China. (15年广东中考)

-- Of course not. Chinese usually shake hands with a lady as a greeting(打招呼).

A why he can greet a lady by kissing her B why he could greet a lady by kissing her

C whether he can greet a lady by kissing her D whether he could greet a lady by kissing her

8 -- I wonder
________________________________. (16年广东中考)

-- It will fall on a Saturday.

A how will National Day fall on this year B how National Day will fall on this year

C what day will National Day fall on this year D what day National Day will fall on this year

9 --Do you know _________________ yesterday? (17年广东中考)

-- He went for the boat race.

A why didn't Peter go to school B why doesn't Peter go to school

C why Peter didn't go to school D why Peter doesn't go to school

10 -- Could you tell me ___________ you'd like me to pay you? (18年广东中考)

-- You'd better use mobile payment. I don't care _____ it is Ali Pay or WeChat Pay.

A how, whether B how, why C what, whether D what, why

11 -- Have you decided _______the Expo 2019 Beijing? (19年广东中考)

-- This summer holiday.

A how are you going to B how you are going to

C when are you going to D when you are going to