

导读Hello, Im Oli, from Oxford Online English. In this lesson, were going to look at writing an intr

    Hello, I'm Oli, from Oxford online English. In this lesson, we're going to look at writing an introduction to an essay or article, with a particular focus on the IELTS exam.


    If you're writing an essay or something in English, knowing how to write a good introduction is super important, and it's something that a lot of students really find difficult. In this lesson, you can learn how to write an effective introduction to your essay; we'll look at some simple dos and don' ts.


    Let's start with an example question. This question is from paper 2 of an IELTS exam. Pause the video and read it if you need time.


    So, our question: "In cities and towns all over the world the high volume of traffic is a problem. What are the causes of this and what actions can be taken to solve this problem?"


    It's from a real past IELTS exam. OK, so let's start with a question: what does a good introduction need to do?


    A good introduction should do four things: grab your reader's attention and explain why your reader should care about this topic; address the question directly; give background information or general examples to make the topic more relevant; and four, you need to explain how you are going to approach the topic. Let's consider these points one by one.


    Number one: grab your reader's attention. I think this is the most important part of an introduction.


    If someone reads your first paragraph and doesn't care about the topic, and doesn't want to read what you have to say, you've done something wrong. After reading your introduction, your reader should want to know more about the topic and what you have to say.


    This is important for any essay, even in an exam like IELTS.Your essay will always be marked by a human, not a robot or a computer.


    Think about it: if you like someone, if someone's friendly and nice to you, you'll try harder to help them, right? In the same way, if your essay starts with an interesting introduction, your reader will want to like your essay.


    Making a good first impression and getting your reader's attention is ALWAYS a good idea; it can only help you. So, how can you grab your reader's attention? Here are some possibilities.


    You could ask a question to make your reader think, for example: "All over the world, people waste hours of their lives in traffic jams. How can we deal with this problem?"


    Another idea is to relate the topic to the reader: "Do you drive?


    If so, how much time do you think you spend in traffic jams every year?" Also, you could use an interesting statistic or fact: "In Washington D. C. , the average driver spends 68 hours a year stuck in traffic."


    Of course, there are many other ways you could do this. The most important thing is to try to make your reader think about something, or feel something.


    You want your reader to engage actively with your ideas, not just read them passively. Point two: address the question directly.


    This is also really important, but it can be difficult to get this right. Here are two important points: DON'T repeat the question word-for-word.


    If you want to include the question in your introduction (or, actually, anywhere in your essay) , you should use your own words. Point two: addressing the question does not mean answering the question.


    This is your introduction; you don't want to start answering the question yet. So, when you write an essay, read the introduction and for every sentence ask yourself: how is this sentence relevant to the topic?


    If you can't answer, that's a sign that maybe this sentence shouldn't be there. You should consider taking it out. Let's look at some examples: "In cities and towns all over the world the high volume of traffic is a problem."


    Not so good, because it repeats the question word-for-word. "Traffic problems are a worldwide phenomenon, affecting millions of people in many different countries."


    That's better, because you are using your own words. My words but it's ok, you can keep it. All right, another example.


    "The main reason for traffic problems is that. . ." Not so good - this is trying to answer the question. You don't want to answer the question in your introduction; you're trying to address it, discuss it, not answer it.


    How could we make it better? Well: "There are many reasons why cities suffer from traffic problems, such as. . ."


    OK, that's better. You are addressing the question and giving general examples. "Overuse of cars causes air pollution, which damages people's health."


    No good, it's not relevant to the question. The question is not about overuse of cars, or problems which that causes. How could we improve it?


    How about this: "Traffic problems can cause stress, pollution and lost productivity." Better - you are talking about traffic problems and showing why this topic is important.


    OK, point three: give background information or general examples. In your introduction, you don't want to go into a lot of detail, or repeat points that you are going to make later in your essay.


    However, you should add some general examples to help your reader understand the topic, and to stimulate your reader's interest. For example, you could include a statistic: "The average commuter spends around 90 minutes a day driving to and from work."


    A trend: "The frequency of traffic jams in major cities has almost doubled in the last ten years." Or, a personal example: "In my city, the traffic is so bad that even a short journey can take two hours."


    Obviously, if you're writing in an exam, you may not be able to check statistics or other information, so for exams like IELTS, using personal examples is often a good idea. Lastly, point four: explain how you are going to approach the topic.


    If your introduction is well-written, your reader should have an idea of what you're going to say in the rest of your essay. This will make your essay clearer, because your reader already understands what you're going to do, and your reader can anticipate your next paragraph, your next point, which makes your essay easier to understand.


    To do this, of course you need to know what you're going to say in the rest of your essay, and how your ideas are going to be organised. This means you need to plan your essay before you write your introduction.


    If you're writing an academic essay, for university, for example, and time is not a problem, then it's possible to write the essay first, and then write the introduction at the end. Some people prefer this approach, and if you find it easier, use it, go for it; there's nothing wrong with it.


    But, in an exam, it's probably not a good idea. So, if you're writing an essay in an exam like in IELTS, it's really important to spend time planning your answer before you start writing, even if you just spend one minute thinking about it.


    So let's look. Ask yourself: what points are you going to make in your essay? What order are you going to make your points in?


    And, what is your conclusion going to be? Your aim in the introduction is to summarise your answers to these questions.


    I said 'summarise' because you SHOULDN'T simply repeat yourself. For example: "In this essay, I will consider the following causes of traffic problems: 1. . .2. . .3. . .4. ."


    It's not so good — you should summarise your points, rather than listing them. OK, how can we make it better?


    Well, how about: "In this essay, I will examine the many possible causes of traffic problems, such as…1. . .2. . . (examples)" OK, that's better - it's a summary.


    "I will discuss traffic problems and how we can solve them." Not so good. Well, it's not terrible, but it could be better.


    "After analyzing the causes of traffic problems, I will consider possible solutions." This is better. Why is it better?


    It's better because it shows your reader how your essay will be structured. It tells your reader: "OK, first I'm going to talk about problems, then I'm going to talk about solutions."


    "Who knows how we can solve traffic problems?" Well, no good - It's your job to answer the question and provide a conclusion, so don't put things like this in your introduction.


    OK, let's make it better: "I will attempt to show that investment in public transport can help to reduce traffic volume." Again, this is better. It shows your reader what your conclusion will be.


    It gives your reader an idea without going into too much detail. So remember, all of these are just examples.


    In this lesson, I'm not trying to give you a system for writing, because that's impossible. The most important thing is to think about these ideas when you are writing, and when you're planning your writing.


    Even if you aren't sure how to use these ideas at first, keep thinking about them, and it will help you to write better introductions. If you're watching this on Youtube, you can look in the video description, and there's an example paragraph using some of the sentences from this lesson, so this is a possible introduction to the question that we've looked at.


    Also, if you're watching on YouTube, you might consider coming to our website: Oxford online English. You can find many other free English lessons on many other topics. That's all for today. I really hope this lesson was useful for you.


    Thanks very much for watching, and I'll see you next time. Bye bye!
