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摘要:高中学生需要大量的英语课外阅读。高一伊始,教师要有系统有规划地安排学生高中三年的阅读材料。就高一学生来说,阅读原版英文报刊杂志、经典文学原著对他们来说难度较大,所以选择难易适度的饶有趣味的书虫阅读材料是一个智慧的选择,这不但能培养学生走进外国文学、了解世界各国的文化,培养他们的批判性和创造性思维,同时也提高他们对英语语言的兴趣,提高他们英语的整体素养。本文以The Call Of the Wild为例,论述书虫系列读物在高一英语课外阅读中的运用。



记得有篇文章,有这样两个句子:“一个忙于做题而无暇读书的学生不可能成大器,一个忙于考试而无暇读书的民族不可能有希望。”《普通高中英语课程标准》八级课程目标对阅读提出如下要求:学生能在教师帮助下欣赏浅显的英语文学作品;除教材外,课外阅读量应累计达到33万词以上。本人认为,要对学生进行外国文学拓展性阅读指导,培养高中生自我阅读、自我理解、自主运用的能力,提高学生的阅读量和英语综合能力。引导他们走进外国文学、走进英语国家文化、欣赏英语文学经典,充分发挥学生的潜能,使学生能掌握基本阅读技巧, 提高阅读能力,养成阅读英语文学的习惯,提高学习英语的兴趣,提升学生的自信心和成就感并摸索出深受学生喜欢的课外阅读教学模式。高一学生从初中的基础学习进入到高中阶段,阅读英语报刊杂志或经典原著难度颇大,只是依赖教材阅读量又太少,所以补充课外阅读势在必行,但是该选取什么合适的材料呢?





下面选举其中的一本The Call Of the Wild为例,本书为书虫三级书,符合初三和高一学生的语言水平和心智发展。此文在学生阅读的基础上,讲述教师用两节课来帮助学生深化所学所想所记,论述书虫系列读物在高一英语课外阅读中的尝试。






The native people of Alaska and Canada began using sled dogs more than 1,000 years ago. The gold prospectors (someone who looks for gold, minerals, oil etc勘探者,探矿者), known as “Klondikers,” faced harsh/very difficult and uncomfortable conditions. In the late 1800s, settlers and explorers started using sled dogs to help them explore remote areas, deliver mails, and look for gold.


Jack believed in self-struggle, and strove/worked very hard to be the strong of life, because he learnt the law of nature, the strong conquered the weak_____. He also held very active and enthusiastic attitude toward life. In the year 1897, Jack London went to Alaska to find gold. Instead of getting much gold, he found ideas for his books and stories. He went back home and began to write. Thus, The Call Of the Wild was born.



To Arrange the Story Clues in a Correct Order

A.Thornton saved Buck and he became his new master.

B.Buck killed Spitz and took his place as the lead dog.

C.He was shipped north to Clondike, going through a series

of difficulties and adapted to life as a sled dog.

D.Indians attacked and killed Thornton. Buck attacked the Indians,

killing several and scattering the rest, and then headed off into

the wild, where he became the leader of a pack of wolves.

E.The mail carrier sold the dog to a group of American

inexperienced gold hunters —Hal, Charles, and Mercedes,

they mistreated、overloaded the sleds and beat dogs.

F.He was kidnapped and sold to dog traders.

G.Buck lived a comfortable life in Judge Miller’s house.

H.Men discovered gold in the Klondike region of Canada and

a great/high demand arose/happened for strong dogs to pull sleds.



(1)Buck jumped a__ the man, sixty kilos of a______, his mouth w_____ open ready to bite the man’s neck. Buck was beaten(he knew that) but he was not b_____. (Page6-8)特别有意思的是sixty kilos of anger?这到底是什么意思?经过思考和分析,原来这60公斤的愤怒是指Buck的体重是60公斤,它全身心的愤怒,扑向那人。表达了那人所做的。。。

(2)In a way, he was remembering back to the days when wild dogs travelled in packs through the forest, killing for meat as they went. It was easy for him to learn to fight like a wolf, because it was in his blood

‘Spitz fought like a wolf,’ said Perrault. ‘And Buck fought like ten wolves,’ answered Francois.

‘I’ve never seen a dog like Buck!’ cried Francois, ‘Never! He’s worth a thousand dogs.非常形象地描述了Buck 的天性和优良,也表达了狗其实天生属于狼族,这能力已经在它血液中。

(3) Buck jumped in immediately and swam three hundred metres until he reached Thornton...Man and dog disappeared under the water, banging into rocks, turning over and over, sometimes with Buck on top, sometimes Thornton. When Hans and Pete finally pulled them out, both seemed more dead than alive. But after a while their eyes opened and life returned. 这里讲述忠诚的Buck拼死 救了它的主人Thornton狗很善良,这些句子多么形象,深深地敲击着我们的内心。

(4) Buck __________ _____among them,tearing,biting,destroying,in a madness that he had never known before.Nothing could stop him,and soon the Indians were running,wild with fear,back to the forest, Buck followed for some time,then returned to the camp.(Page 84、86)

(5) Buck threw himself against his harness, and pulled. He held his body low to the ground, his head down and forward, and his feet dug into the hard snow. Harder and harder he pulled. Suddenly, the sledge moved a centimetre two…three and, little by little, it started to go forward across the snow. With each second it went a little faster, and Thornton ran behind, calling to Buck as he pulled the sledge towards the end of the hundred metres. The watching men were shouting and throwing their hats in the air; Buck had won.仔细琢磨以上这些美句,让人感觉触及灵魂的震撼。


读书还有一个目的是领略其中的深刻含义和主题思想,引导学生思考人生,以德树人。小说比纯粹的教材和平时做的阅读题目的一个优点是它的主题思想会在小说的情节中得到淋漓尽致地体现。通过故事情节的展开,可以看出The call of the wild有着很深的思想内涵。

从文明Civilization回到野外Wildness,体现了主题the call of the wild.The wildness hidden inside him was awaken. He gradually changed from civilization and into the wilderness. 从故事里我们总该学到点什么,所以设置的问题有两个:

What do you think of Buck?

What can we learn from the story ?

(1) Survival of the Fittest(适者生存)

(2)The strong defeated/conquered the weak.

(3)The power of Instinct(本能)

(4)The law of nature(自然法则)

5.Summary 的分享


Although it is a short story about a dog, Buck, it vividly describes/depicts the life in the primitive, harsh and frozen North—Yukon in Canada where people rushed for g____ and fortune(the Gold Rush).
Buck, used to belong to a judge, was kidnapped and sold to N_____. Then he became a member of a dog-team pulling a s____ (雪橇). In the days of pulling a snow-sled, he learned to adapt to the law of nature and obey the master. Finally, he found a basic instinct h______ inside him, which enabled himself to s______ the tough environment. This is the call of the wild.






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[2] 教育部. 普通高中英语课程标准(实验)[S]. 北京:人民教育出版社, 2003.

[3] 萨丕尔. 语言论:言语研究导论[M]. 北京:商务印书馆,2002.

[4] 唐书哲. 高中英美文学阅读文章的选材与命题 [M]. 上海:华东师范大学出版社, 2016.

[5] 赵大中. 在文本细读中培养学生的思维品质 [M]. 上海:华东师范大学出版社, 2016.

Chen Xiaoping

Abstract: High school students need a great amount of extra-curricular English reading, from the very beginning of high school, students should have a systematic planning of reading materials for three years of high school. As a senior student, it is difficult for them to read the original English newspapers, magazines and classics, so it is a wise choice to choose interesting books that are easy and appropriate, which will not only train students to enter foreign literature, understand the cultures of the world, train them to think critically and creatively, but also raise their interest in English language and improve their overall English literacy. The book-worm series is the perfect one for Senior One students. Taking the The Call Of the Wild as an example, this paper discusses the application of book-worm series in English reading.

Key words: Senior Class; Extra-Curricular Reading; Class Sharing of The call of the Wild
