

导读2020年春人教新目标英语七年级下册单元知识点总结Unit 12 What did you do last weekend?—How was the ice-cream? —It was delici



Unit 12 What did you do last weekend?

—How was the ice-cream? —It was delicious.

—How were the apples? —They were expensive.

—What did you do? —I went to the beach.

—Who stayed at home? —Becky did.

—Who did you stay with? —I stayed with

—Where did you go? —I went to …

—How did you go? —I went there by bike. = I rode a bike there.

—How was the weather? —It was sunny. / The weather was sunny.

—How was the trip? —It was great./ The trip was interesting./ I had a good weekend.

—I thought the trip was boring.


—Did you do anything interesting last week? —Not really, but I……


by the lake在湖边 camp露营;扎营 go camping露营 put up a tent~put up tents搭帐篷 move移动

go boating划船 play badminton打羽毛球 go to the beach去海滩 run away逃跑 fly a kite

go to the cinema=go to the movies watch a movie~watch movies go fishing钓鱼

draw a picture of~draw pictures of tell sb. about告诉某人某事 living habits生活习惯

swimming pool study for a test为…学习 make a fire生火 look out of往外看

into到…里面 onto到…上面 useful lesson有用的 nature自然~natural自然的

Did you busy?(错) à Were you busy?(对) 当用到助动词do/does/did, 拿句子中必须找得到动词v

Was he watch TV?(错) à Did he watch TV?(对) 如果句子中没有动词, 就用be动词

具体某天早中晚用on: On Sunday morning, On Monday night, On the first night, On my birthday

learn a lesson: 得到教训;吸取经验

learn a lesson from: 从…得到教训

teach sb. a lesson: 给…一个教训

They have a butterfly house with over 200 kinds of butterflies.

What did you do on last weekend? next/ last/ yesterday morning等前面不加介词

What will you do in next month?

What did you do on yesterday morning? (错)

I saw some sheep. I saw some deer.

I worked as a guide. 我以前工作是导游。“当作;作为” go to sleep

She works as a singer. 她的工作是歌手。 =go to bed

stay up to do à He stayed up (late) to watch the soccer game. 熬夜干某事

=stay up doing à =He stayed up (late) watching the soccer game.

How+adj/adv How interesting! How slow!

How+adj/adv+主语+谓语 How cold the weather is. How fast he runs.

what+adj+n What a good day! What good weather! What clean water!

Do you have a good day? languageàlanguages 语言

Do you have a a good weekend? first language 母语 second language 外语

get a surprise吃惊 wake up起床 à I woke up at seven.

get a terrible surprise受到惊吓 wake sb. up叫醒某人àMy mother wakes me up at 6 every morning.

shout at 向…大喊(生气地) take…to带走 He took me to the park.

shout to 向…大喊(听到) bring…to带来 He brought me a flower.

We took a long bus ride to a lake in the countryside.坐长途汽车

finish sth. à I finished high school last year.

finish doing sth. àI finished doing my homework.

start to do sth. à I started to do my homework at six.

=start doing sth. à I started doing my homework at six.

A weekend to remember.值得纪念的一个周末。

时间段+ago:“多长时间之前” à three days ago / four months ago

before+时间点:“在……之前” àbefore 8 o’clock

keep sb +adj 使我们保持 Keep me warm. / keep her happy.

So that “以便,为了” à I got up early so that I can catch the bus. 我早早地起床以便于赶上公交车。

so…that“太…以至于…” à I was so happy that I jumped up and down. 我太高兴以至于跳上跳下

too…to“太…而不能…”à The weather is too cold to swim. 天气太冷而不能去游泳。

see see

hear sb. doing (正在做) hear sb. do(全过程)

watch watch

feel feel

It’s adj. to do “干某事很…” à It’s interesting to swim.

It’s adj. not to do “不干某事很…” à It’s relaxing not to read books.

ask sb. to do sth 叫某人做... tell sb. to do sth.告诉某人做…

ask sb. not to do sth.叫某人别做… tell sb. not to do sth.告诉某人别做…

【单词】visitor游客, butterfly house蝴蝶馆, mouse~mice老鼠, India印度, Indian印度人, forest森林,

the moon月亮, the sun太阳, jump up and down跳上跳下, snake蛇, later稍后, feel感觉, high高的(地), woof汪汪, ago以前, Lucy