

导读Not everyone wins the genetic lottery like he did!并非人人都是他这类天造之才,相信你也会有同感。提供一小篇关于比尔.盖茨生活轶事短文,附上英语原文供学

Not everyone wins the genetic lottery like he did!并非人人都是他这类天造之才,相信你也会有同感。提供一小篇关于比尔.盖茨生活轶事短文,附上英语原文供学习。

1. 你了解现代世界最富有的人吗?

2. 在未来,你认为现代社会最富有的人会如何作为呢?

1. Do you know anything about the richest man in the modern world?

2. In the future, do you think how to act as the richest man in the modern society?



The Richest Man in the World

Bill Gates is a private citizen in the world.There is nothing he can’t afford.Every morning, when his alarm clock goes off,the software tycoon is $20 million richer than when he went to bed. His wealth is based on his company-Microsoft, of which he owns 39% of the shares. He has a personal fortune estimated at £18 billion which is more than the annual economic output of over a hundred countries.


He is not shy about spending it.He has built a mansion overlooking Lake Washington that he’s packed with high-tech gadgetry and TV monitors,some taking up an entire wall.Visitors are given a smart card encoded with their personal preferences so that,as they wander from room to room,their favorite pictures will appear on the screens,and the music they like will play. The card is programmed so that only the most intimate friends can open all the doors.

这种对待人际关系的冷血方式似乎也适用于他的感情生活。当他和他的前女友安·温布莱德(Ann Winblad)~(现在是一位非常成功的女商人)约会,这对情人的大部分相恋都是通过虚拟约会来进行的。每个人都会在不同的城镇同时分别开车去看同一部电影,然后他们用手机谈论这部电影,讨论情节,交换意见。当他最终涉入结婚时,他和他的妻子梅里达(Melida)签署了一份协议,允许他和他的前情人安(Ann)每年一次度假,而把妻子甩在其后。

This cold-blooded approach to human relationships also seems to be true of his love life. When he went out with his ex-girlfriend, Ann Winblad,who is now a very successful businesswoman,the couple conducted much of their relationship by going on virtual dates. Each would drive alone to the same movie at the same time in different towns, and then talk about it afterwards on their mobiles,discussing the plots and exchanging opinions.When finally he got married, he and his wife, Melida, signed an agreement that allows him to go on an annual holiday with his ex-lover,Ann, leaving his wife behind.


Gates has been called“King of the Nerds", but this simply isn’t fair. In the ninth grade a school, he got A’s in all the subjects he took, which put him among the top ten students in nation. Gates went on to Harvard University where he managed to be in the same class as the girls he fancied by inserting a piece of software into the college computer. But he never finished college. When he left, he knew exactly what to do.He started up his own computer company.


The reason why Microsoft has been so successful is because Gates saw that his fortune lay software, not hardware. He became a billionaire at 31, and since then Microsoft has create Windows,which is a system that can be run by clicking on icons with a mouse.


Now the multi-billionaire, whose software is used in two-thirds of the world’s computers, is developing the HPC,or hand-held personal computer.


It is his intention that there should be a computer in the pocket of everybody in the whole world.


Useful Words and Phrases

lottery(ticket)彩票 中彩

genetic 基因的


gadgetry 小机器

monitor 显示器

encode 译成密码

wander 漫步


conduct 经营;处理

nerd 呆子, 讨厌的人,电脑迷

inserting 插入, 嵌入

software软件 hardware硬件 billionaire亿万富翁

icon 图标,图示

be based on 以……为基础

go off 响起;消失

lie in 在于