

导读16. I was denied access to my account after I typed in the wrong password three times in a row.A. ab

16. I was denied access to my account after I typed in the wrong password three times in a row.

A. abandoned B. delayed C. warned D. refused

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17. Lots of people make long-distance commuting to work daily in big cities.

A. contact B. discussion C.travel D. call

♥ 注解:17.【答案】C




18.Guests at Four Seasons Hotels can enjoy delicious meals served on fine china.

A. delicate B. special C. shining D. desirable

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19.The energy value of dried fruits is considerably in excess of that of fresh items.

A. short of B. equal to C. more than D. different from

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【解析】short of“缺之”;equal to“等于”;more than“多于”;different from“与…不同”。

in excess of意为“超过”和more than意思最接近,故选C。

20.When disasters like this happen, we set aside whatever pretty disagreements we may have.

A. discuss B. retain C. reveal D. dismiss

♥ 注解:




set aside意为“不顾;留出”,选项中只有dismiss意思接近,故选D。



频率出现 50 次的 word  

state   vt. 陈述,阐明             n.1. 状态 2. 国家 3. 州  

频率出现 42 次的 word  

take   vt.   1. 拿,取   2. 携带,带走   3. 花费,需要     4. 接受

5. 认为, 当作 6. 抓住  

频率出现 39 次的 word  

Changevt./vi.   1. 改变,更改   2. 交换,兑换   n.1. 变化 2. 交换   3. 零钱,找头

频率出现 33 次的 word  

Sayvt./vi.   1. 说,讲 2. 说明,表明 3. 比如说,假定说,发表 意见        

  n.1. 发言权,决定权 2. 意见  

频率出现 30 次的 word   penalty   n.   处罚,罚款  

频率出现 29 次的 word   technology   n.   工业技术,应用科学  

频率出现 26 次的 word  

result   n.   1. 结果,效果,成果   2. 计算结果,答案  

statement   n.   1. 陈述,声明   2. 财务报表,申报单  

频率出现 22 次的 word  

globala.   地球的,全球的,环球的;全局的  

paragraph   n.1. 段,节     2. (报刊的)短讯