

导读Text 1 M: I thought you planned to practise the piano today, Lisa. W: Well, I did nothing but wrote

Text 1 M: I thought you planned to practise the piano today, Lisa.
W: Well, I did nothing but wrote letters all day.
Text 2 W: Did you notice any change when you went to Delta Restaurant last week?
M: The food was better, but not so delicious. But the menu was surprisingly attractive.
Text 3 M: I can call a taxi to pick you up tomorrow. But if you want to experience more in a foreign country, take a bus or the subway.
W: I’ve brought much trouble to you already. I can take the bus myself.
Text 4 W: How much are the tickets, please?
M: They are three dollars each. Children can get in at half price.
W: Fine. I would like three please. One adult, two children.
M: OK. Here you are.
Text 5 M: I don’t think I answered the 4th question correctly on the test. The teacher may get angry at me.
W: Why worry about it? It’s too late.
M: But if I reviewed the book more carefully …
W: Oh, John. It’s over.
Text 6 M: Can you describe the room to me, please?
W: Certainly. Let’s see, first there’s a big double bed, and of course there’s a telephone by the bed, and you have the radio alarm next to that. Then there’s a TV …
M: Oh, well, are the bed sheets changed every day?
W: Yes. They’re changed every day. And in fact the pillows are filled with a special material instead of cotton, which can help you fall asleep.
M: I’m allergic to flowers.
W: I’m sure they’re not dried flowers. But I’m sorry I can’t remember the name.
M: Well, that seems to be just fine.
Text 7 W: Hi, Pete? I’m Liz, Donna’s mother. Are you enjoying the party?
M: Yeah, it’s great. This might be the last time I see some of these people for a long time.
W: I know what you mean. I can’t believe that all you kids are finally graduating. Do you have any plans after graduation?
M: Well, I’ve applied for a teaching job in China. I guess I’ll probably go to work next week.
W: You’re more adventurous than Donna. She’s going to take a job right here in town.
M: Oh, … Wait a minute. I’m sorry. I think Dan is leaving the party. I’ve got to talk to him before he goes.
W: OK.
Text 8
M: Excuse me, would you mind answering a few questions for London South FM?
W: Excuse me? Can you speak a little more slowly, please?
M: Sorry, can I ask you a few questions for the radio?
W: Yeah, of course.
M: How long have you been waiting here?
W: I have been waiting here since a quarter past eight this morning. I didn’t know there was a long queue.
M: You must be a real tennis fan!
W: Ah, so-so. I am a student of English. I have been in London for four weeks, and tomorrow I must go back to Berlin in Germany, and I thought it was a good idea to come to Wimbledon before I go back to Germany.
M: Do you think you’ll get in?
W: No, I don’t think so. It has been raining since half past one. I am wet and cold and I am hungry, and there are many, many people in front of me in the queue.
Text 9 M: I’m drafting some suggestions for greening the office. First, I think we should write to people on recycled paper.
W: Hmm. I don’t think people especially our customers would like that at all.
M: OK. What do you think of using china cups instead of plastic ones for the drinks machines?
W: But where are we going to wash them? We haven’t got a kitchen.
M: Well. True. Try this one. We should encourage the staff to cycle to work.
W: Oh, dear. Even if people bring their work clothes to the office, there’s nowhere for them to shower or change. And you can’t have people running around the office in jogging suits all day.
M: OK. Now the last one. I suggest banning smoking at work.
W: Yeah. I agree with you on that. It would actually be quite good for our image being in the health care business.
M: I’m glad you agree on something at last.
Text 10
Right, listen carefully, everyone. I want to tell you about our school trip. As you know, we’re going to visit the film museum. There are lots of very interesting things there about the cinema and how films are made. We’ll have to leave at 8:45 so don’t be late. We’ll get there by bus. Please meet me in the car park behind our school library. And when we return, the bus will leave you at the school entrance. Tell your parents, won’t you?
What next? Oh yes, the cost. It’ll be £6.70 each, OK? Remember to get the money from your parents.
Now, I’m going to give you some work to do at the museum. You’ll need to write things down, so take a pencil with you. The museum will give you a small notebook to write on. We’ll have lunch in the museum café so you needn’t bring any food with you. Well, I think that’s everything.