


2017年天津市初等英语水平考试(三级 笔试)————试卷部分



Part One Structure基础语法

I. Choose the best answer。选择最佳答案,并按题号顺序将答案转涂到答题卡上。

1. Here is____“f”in the word "fine",and "f" makes____/f/ sound.

A. An;an B. the;a C a;an D. an;a

2. I tried to____carefully, but I didn't ____anythin

A listen; listen B hear;listen C hear;hear D, listen; hear

3. There must be____wrong with the clock. It doesn't work

A. Nothing B something C. everything D anything

4 May I take the food to the reading room?

No, you can't. you____eat it outside. It's the rule

A. must B. would C .may D .might

5. Listen to that girl. How well____!

Oh, yes. I love it!

A. she sang B. is she singing C. she is singing D. she singing

6. You can see____birds in the forests.

Oh, how nice to see them flying about!

A two thousands B. thousands

C, thousands of D. two thousand of

7. I’m sorry. I broke your tea cup.

____.I have another one at home

A. You’d better not B. It's too bad

C. It doesn't matter D .My pleasure

8. You play the piano so well.____do you take piano lessons?

Twice a week

A. How many B.How often

B. C How much D. How long

9. I don't think we can live____water!

You’re right. If there is no water, there will be no life.

A. with B.as C .without D. like

10. Do you often use the app ofo?

yes, bike sharing is one of____ways of going around in Tianjin

A.popular B.more popular

C .the most popular D. the more popular

Part Two Reading阅读理解

II. Cloze.选择最佳答案完成短文,并按题号顺序将答案转涂到答题卡上。

One day a red rose blossomed(开花) in the wild. A pine tree(松树) not far away

said, "What a beautiful __11__ ! I wish I could be that lovely!

The rose said, " I am the most beautiful plant here.

Then the rose looked at a cactus(仙人掌) and said, Look at that __12__plant. It is full of thorns(刺)!"

The pine tree said, "Red rose, you have thorns, too”.

Sometimes, the red rose_13__look at the cactus and say, "This plant is useless. How can he be my neighbour?"

Summer came. Plants and animals needed water badly, but no _14___ fell. One day, the rose saw birds put their beaks(鸟嘴) into the cactus and then fly away. The red rose asked _15___ the birds were doing. The pine tree answered that the birds got water__16__the cactus. The pine tree told the red rose, "you can also__17__ from it. The birds can bring water to you if you ask the cactus for help”.

The red rose felt _18___, but asked the cactus for help. The cactus kindly__19__ and the birds filled their beaks with water for the rose's roots(根).

From then on, the rose learned never to judge(判断)anyone by look again.

11. A. tree B.flower C .bird D. girl

12. A tall B.nice C. lovely D.ugly

13.A.would B .must C. should D. need

14.A.water B. snow C. rain D. leaves

15.A.why B. what C.where D .how

16.A.to B.with C.from D.into

17.A drink B.learn C.catch D.try

18.A.angry B. thirsty C. strange D. sorry

19.A.laughed B smiled C. agreed D answered

III. Read the passages and finish the following tasks.阅读下列材料,完成相关任务,并按题号顺序将答案转涂到答题卡.


Read and mark T or F判断下面句子的意思是否与短文内容相符,相符的用丁表示不相符的用F表示.

Nowadays some apps make your life easier and more fun. Let's have a look at them.

You may go out and travel during the summer holidays. Before leaving home, you need to turn off the lights, feed your pet and water your plants. The app Ready to Go helps you to check all the important things in no time.

There are so many funny and moving moments in your life. An app may help you remember them a bit more clearly. Its name is One Second Every Day. You take videos every day and make each into a one-second clip (片段). At the end of a year, a month or a week, you put all the one-second clips together and you get a minutes-long video .It's like a diary .

You all have some old photos. They may be photos of your baby years and your childhood pet. However, the colours are fading(褪色).Don't worry Photoscan can save them. you just open the camera in your cellphone and scan (扫描)the old photos. In seconds you get perfect digital(数码的) copies. It's a really good helper!

20. Before leaving home for a holiday. you need to check all your apps.

21. One second Every Day helps remember funny and moving moments.

22. Photoscan makes your old photos new again.

23. The apps in the passage are good helpers in our daily life.


Read and choose the best answer阅读短文,选择最佳答案

This term our school has e-courses. They are different from strange regular classes because they don't need classrooms or blackboards. E-courses are online courses (课程). They are to meet students' needs. Students can take e-courses wherever they can use computers and the Internet. E-courses meet two main needs for students. First, the students who are ill can study all the courses online .Staying at home, they can learn courses just like they would at regular schools. Second, some schools don't have certain courses because they don't have resources(资源) or students are not interested. With e-courses students at those schools can take courses they are interested in from teachers at other schools. They can study anything they hope to learn.

I am happy that the schools have such easy ways for us to learn online. I hope one day, there will be more free e-courses.

24. What does the underlined word “regular” mean ?

A.通常的 B.统治的 C.补充的 D.在线的

25. Students must______if they want to take e-courses.

A stay at schoo B stay at home

C, go online D, take some tests

26 Which might NOT be right about e-courses?

A. Students can take courses from other schools

B. E-courses are much more expensive

C. Sick students can take courses at home

D. E-courses share more resources

27. What can we learn from the passage?

A. Schools should only have e-courses

B The writer's school doesn't have good recourses

c. The writer thinks e-courses are good

D. The writer doesn't like his school

28. What is the passage mainly about?

A. online learning B .Home schooling

C .Computer skills D.Lifelong learning

C.Read and choose the best answer阅读下面的往来信件,选择最佳答案

Dear Merry.

Recently, I have trouble with my study.

In school I can't listen to teachers carefully because I always feel tired and sleepy, I don't spend time with friends after class because I think it is a waste of time .At home. I can't get my homework done every night. My parents don't let me stay up. So I have to get up early the next morning to finish it. Now, I even have a bad headache.

What can I do? Im so stressed.



Dear Lisa,

When you have trouble listening to your teachers carefully in class, you can ask your teachers or classmate nearby to remind (提醒)you often. It can make you happy to spend time talking about many different things with friends. It's not a waste of time. As for homework, when it's hard to finish, one thing you can try is planning your time well. Sometimes you must take a break, especially if you dont feel well. A short break can help you finish more things. Lastly, if you don't worry and have enough sleep, your headache will leave you.



29. Why does Lisa write the letter?

A .To tell how hard she works. B, To ask Merry for help

C. To share her worries D. To talk about her school life

30. Why doesn't Lisa want to stay with friends after class?

A. She feels tired and sleepy

B. She doesn't like her friends

C. She doesn't have any friends.

D She thinks it's a waste of time

31. Which of the following is Merry's idea?

A Being with parents is helpful.

B. Talking with friends makes one happy.

C only Lisa's teachers can help her.

D. Lisa needs to stay home.

32. According to the underlined sentence, what may Lisa’s teacher say?

A. You can sleep for a minute

B.listen carefully ,please.

C. Don't waste your time

D Step talking with your classmates.

33. What does the underlined word “stressed" mean?

A.伤感的 B.友好的

C.有压力的 D.骄做的

Part Three Writing 写作

IV. Fill in the blank词汇填空,请按题号顺序将答案转写到答题卡上.

A. Fill in the blanks with proper forms of the words given用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空.

34. You must practice _____(play) the piano every day.

35. The girl was ______(excite)about the result of the test.

36.Next year I will be in the ______(eight) grade.

37.Mark learned cooking the dish from nobady .He taught ______(he).

38. There are many ______(man) doctors in this hospital.

B. Complete the dialogue.补全对话,每空一词.

A: Are you interested in watching cartoons, Jack?

B: of course I am. They __39____ my life more interesting.

A: Why do you love them so much?

B: Because they teach lessons about good and bad. And I can _40___ a lot from them.

A: __41___ do you often watch cartoons?

B:I often watch them on weekends.

A: Which was the _42___cartoon you watched?

B: Tom and Jerry. I was only two years old when I watched it.

A: Do you still spend time___43___ cartoons now?

B: Yes, I do. And I will go on watching them in the future.

V. Writing书面表达.

44.回想你的一次郊游经历,根据下图提示的关键信息,以“ A field trip”为题写一篇短文.

When? I went to ....

When I was ....I had a field trip.


Why ? because...





Part Four Listening听力理解


VI.Look, listen and match.下面你将听到五组句子,并看到七幅图片,请选出与所听内容相符的图片(其中有两幅是多余的),并按题号顺序将答案转涂到答题卡上.


45._____ 46._____ 47._____ 48._____ 49._____

VII. Listen and choose下面你将听到五组对话,每组对话后有一个问题,请在每小题中选出问题的正确答案,并按题号顺序将答案转涂到答题卡上.

50. A. On foot. B. By bus C.by underground

51 A. His father. B. His brother C .His friends

52. A. Put it away. B. Open it later C. Open it at once.

53. A. She likes traveling B. She is worried about her son C. She can't speak English.

54 A One hour. B. Two hours C. Three hours

VIII. Listen and mark T or F.听录音,判断下面句子的意思是否与你听到的内容相符。相符的用T表示,不相符的用F表示,并按题号顺序将答案转涂到答题卡上.

55. The sports center is new to Mary.

56. The center is far from the bridge.

57. Tony played ball games there last week.

58. Mary wants to go there.

59. Next Thursday they will do sports at the centre.

IX. Listen and choose.听录音,根据听到的内容,选出问题的正确答案,并按题号顺序将答案转涂到答题卡上。

60. Many English people have_____ meals a day.

A.3 B.4 C.5

61. People may have _____for breakfast.

A.tea and eggs

B. hamburgers and tea

C .eggs and fish

62. People usually have lunch at_____.

A .nine o'clock

B. any time

C .one o'clock

63 People usually have dinner at_____.

A.5:00 B.11:30 C.7:30

64. What do English people have first for dinner?

A .Vegetables B .Meat C.Soup


Part One Structure基础语法


1.D. 考察冠词,元音音素前用an, 辅音音素前用a

2.D. 考察动词listen和hear的区别,listen强调动作,hear强调结果

3.B. 考察不定代词使用,形容词后置修饰不定代词,something wrong某处出现问题

4.A. 考察情态动词,后面有rule,所以要是用must

5.C. 考察感叹句结构和现在进行时标志

6.C. 考察固定搭配thousands of数以千计的

7.C. 交际用语, It doesn’t matter .没关系。

8.B. 考察特殊疑问词,问频率

9.C. 考察without用法,表示没有

10.C. 考察形容词最高级,有范围in Tianjin.

Part Two Reading阅读理解


11. B 词义辨析题, 开篇第一句说了开花,所以松树想成为花一样可爱

12. D 考察形容词辨析

13. A 考察情态动词辨析

14. C 考察文章理解but转折连词,没下雨

15. B 考察宾语从句引导词what

16. C 考察固定搭配get … from…

17. A 考察文章理解,句义通顺

18. D 考察逻辑推理和文章理解but转折连词,很抱歉但还得向仙人掌求助

19. C 考察文章理解,连词and表明前文同意了



20. T 第二段最后说明出发前要准备好app应用。

21. T第三段的第一二句话表达了。

22. F 推断题最后一段描述可以保存但不会让旧照片翻新。

23. T 推断题,文章中的app应用都是生活的好帮手。


24.A 词义辨析题

25.C 逻辑推理题, 网课需要上网

26.B 细节理解题, 文章中没说价格贵

27.C 细节理解题,最后一段说了I am happy that the schools have such easy ways for us to learn online.

28.A 逻辑推理题,文章主要内容就是在线学习


29.B 逻辑推理题,信一开始就说明了Lisa学习出现了困难,最后也问到如何是好。

30.D 细节理解题,原文中第二句的后半句说明了。

31.B 细节理解题,回信中Merry第二句提到了和朋友聊一聊,会让她开心。

32.B 逻辑推理题,回信中第一句remind说明老师或同学可以提醒她认真听讲。

33.C 词义辨析题

Part Three Writing 写作


34. playing 考察practice doing 固定搭配

35. excited 考察 be excited about 固定搭配

36. eighth考察 the+序数词

37. himself 考察teach oneself 固定搭配

38. men 考察man复数形式

39. made 考察固定搭配make sb./sth. +形容词

40.learn 考察固定搭配 learn…from…

41. when 考察特殊疑问词

42. favorite 考察句义理解

43. on 考察固定搭配spend on sth.