

导读Business Letter Writing and Its layout一,关于商业信件的撰写,我们应该记住这7C原则。There are a few princples on business

Business Letter Writing and Its layout

一,关于商业信件的撰写,我们应该记住这7C原则。There are a few princples on business letter writing ,we should bear in mind the priciples of 7Cs.

1.Completeness 完整

2.Concreteness 具体

3.Clarity 简洁

4.Conciseness 清晰

5.Courtesy 礼貌

6.Consideration 体谅

7.Correctness 正确



1.Heading 信头和抬头 发件人的信息,包括公司名,地址,联系方式等,在电子邮件中可以事前设置好固定格式。

2.Inside Address 信内地址 收件人的地址

3.Salutation 称呼

4.Subject Heading or Caption 标题或事由 标题前加Re(事由),Re在拉丁文中表示“关于....”的意思, Carbon copy notation,i.e.,cc.(在附件和再启,还可以再抄送)

5.Opening Sentences 开头语

6.Body of the Letter 信的正文

7.Closing Sentence 结束语

8.Complimentary Close 结尾客套语

9.Signature 签名

10.Enclosed 附件




This corporation is in handling the export business in electronic products, which sell well in various countries. Now we are writing to offer you an opportunity to develop trade. If you are interested in establishing busines relations with us in this line, please let us know your spe- cific requirements, we shall be pleased to forward samples and catalogues as well as detailed information for your ref- erence. We assure you of our best attention to any inquiries from you, and anticipate your prompt response in this respect.

Yours truly,
