

导读人教版九年级英语第一单元练习题第Ⅰ卷一.选择题1.You dont have to __________ every new word in th





1.You don't have to __________ every new word in the dictionary while reading.( )

A.look forB.look upC.look atD.look after

2.﹣Did Jenny play the role _______ the princess in the play?

﹣Yes,she did.The prince saved her and fell in love _______ her.( )

A.with; atB.as; inC.of; toD.of; with

3.Our teacher says that ______ we practice,______ our spoken English will be.( )

A.more; betterB.the more; the better

C.more; the betterD.the more; better

4.﹣I'm really ______ before the competition.

﹣Take it easy.Sure you are the best.( )


5.﹣A nice day today,isn't it?﹣Yes,___________ go for a picnic and relax yourselves?( )

A.would you likeB.why not you

C.what aboutD.why don't you

6.Mark isn't coming to the concert ____ he has got too much work to do.( )


7.﹣You bought the car about ten years ago?

﹣Yes. it's old,it still runs well.( )


8.﹣_____ does your grandma keep healthy?

﹣By eating healthy food and taking lots of exercise every day.( )


9.When Jack got into the classroom,he surprisingly ______ that nobody was there.( )


10.﹣Dad,why can't I still play this music well?

﹣Well,dear,just be ______.It takes time.( )


11.Li Xiaobin is _____ crazy about Yue Yunpeng _____ he knows all his works well.( )

A.so; thatB.such; thatC.too; toD.enough; to

12.﹣Jack,how's it going with your English?

﹣Not good.I ______ follow my teacher in class.( )


13.If you want to send your photos by email,connect the camera _____ your computer.( )


14.Did you pay attention to the teacher?( )

A.listen toB.listening toC.listenD.look

15.I got Ann's new address ______ asking her aunt so I could visit her last weekend.( )





A:I failed two subjects this term.I'm so sad!

B:(26) It might be because you haven't found the best way to learn them.

A:That's what I expect you to help me with.(27)

B:I really don't know.I can only tell you what I usually do.

A:What do you usually do?

B:(28) I've developed the habit of previewing and reviewing my lessons before and after class.So I know what we are going to learn before class and I know what the key points of a lesson are after class.

A:(29) But I sometimes can't take down the key points of the teacher's lesson.

B:Sometimes I have that problem too,but I improve it by checking my notes with other classmates after class.

A:That sounds wonderful!May I check my notes with yours after class?

B:Why not?(30)

A:Excellent!Thank you very much.


17.I often hear some students say English is difficult,and they can't learn(31) well.But English is very easy for me.I'm good at it,and I'm very(32) to tell you something about how I study English.

First,I think an interest in English is very important.When I began to learn English,my teacher often taught us(33) an active way.It made me become interested in it.I worked hard at it and often got very good marks.The harder I did in it,the (34) I learned it.As a result,I could do better and better in it.

Second,you'd better have good (35) to learn it,such as listening to the teacher carefully,speaking bravely and reading aloud every day.(36) ,you should practice again and again.I also have a good habit.That is whenever I have a problem,I will ask my teacher for help.It really(37) me a lot.

Besides,I often read stories,jokes and easy novels in English.From them I learn(38) is not only interesting,but also useful.Reading helps me to review what I have learned and improve my English a lot.So I think doing more(39) is an important way to learn English well.

Of course,if you want to get good(40) in an exam,it's necessary for you to do some exercises.I hope my ways can help you.



There is no quick and easy way to learn English.But there is a simple and good way.Speak English as much as you can.Speak only English with your teacher and your classmates.Speak English while you are either in class or after class.Listen to English as much as you can in class.Listen to your classmates when they speak English out of class.Listen to the radio﹣the Voice of America and watch some English programs on TV.

Speak,listen and read English as much as you can.Don't just read the textbooks that you use in class.Go to the library or to a bookshop and read easier English books.

Speak,listen,read and write English as much as you can.Buy a small notebook and write on it every day.Write about the things that you do during the day.Write about what you learned in class.

These things are not hard,but they are the work you should do.If you do them,with the help of your teacher,you'll learn English well.

根据短文内容,判断下列句子正 (A)、误(B).

1.There is not a quick and easy way to learn English.

2.We must speak,listen,read and write English as much as we can.

3.Speak English neither in class nor after class.

4.There isn't a simple way to learn English.

5.The best title is"How to learn English".


19.假如你叫李华,新学期开始了,你对英语学习有什么样的计划呢?你班本周的英语角活动将围绕"My plan for learning English"这一话题展开讨论.请你为此活动准备一份发言稿,从发音、写作、听力、语法这四个方面来谈谈你的英语学习计划.


My plan for learning English

I'm Li Hua.I love English,but it's hard for me.Here's my plan for learning English in the new term.

With this English﹣learning plan,I believe I can make great progress in the new term.That's all.Thank you.



1.You don't have to __________ every new word in the dictionary while reading.( )

A.look forB.look upC.look atD.look after


【解答】答案:B 考查动词短语.句意:在阅读时,你不必在字典里查每一个生词. A. look for 寻找B. look up 查阅 C. look at 看 D. look after 照顾.根据题干You don't have to __________ every new word in the dictionary while reading.可知应说在阅读时,你不必在字典里查每一个生词.故选B.


2.﹣Did Jenny play the role _______ the princess in the play?

﹣Yes,she did.The prince saved her and fell in love _______ her.( )

A.with; atB.as; inC.of; toD.of; with




根据题意:﹣珍妮在剧中扮演公主的角色吗?﹣说的,扮演了.王子救了她,爱上了她.可知考查句型play the role of…扮演…的角色;fall in love with爱上…,故选D.


3.Our teacher says that ______ we practice,______ our spoken English will be.( )

A.more; betterB.the more; the better

C.more; the betterD.the more; better


【解答】答案:B.考查比较级.the+比较级…the+比较级…"越…就越…".固定搭配.the more…the better…"越多…就越好".选B.


4.﹣I'm really ______ before the competition.

﹣Take it easy.Sure you are the best.( )




【解答】答案:C;cool凉爽的; 冷静的;serious严肃的;nervous紧张的;patient有耐性的; 能容忍的;根据答语Take it easy.Sure you are the best可知上句句意:比赛前我真的很紧张,nervous表示紧张的意思,故选C.


5.﹣A nice day today,isn't it?﹣Yes,___________ go for a picnic and relax yourselves?( )

A.would you likeB.why not you

C.what aboutD.why don't you




A would you like后面跟动词不定式;B why not you句子搭配不正确;C what about后面跟动词的ing形式;D why don't you后面跟动词原形.根据"go for a picnic and relax yourselves"可知,答案为D


6.Mark isn't coming to the concert ____ he has got too much work to do.( )



【解答】答案:D so,于是;until,直到;although,虽然;because,因为;根据主句Mark isn't coming to the concert和从句he has got too much work to do,可知二者之间应该是因果关系;故用because;应选D.


7.﹣You bought the car about ten years ago?

﹣Yes. it's old,it still runs well.( )




【解答】答案:C Because因为;Since由于;Although尽管;But但是;although 的意思是尽管、虽然,引导的是让步状语从句;根据句中信息"it's old"与"it still runs well"可知前后存在让步关系,强调尽管车很旧,但性能却依然很好,故选C.


8.﹣_____ does your grandma keep healthy?

﹣By eating healthy food and taking lots of exercise every day.( )





根据By eating healthy food and taking lots of exercise every day,这里用by引导的句子表示做某事的方式,提问的话用how提问.故选D.


9.When Jack got into the classroom,he surprisingly ______ that nobody was there.( )





10.﹣Dad,why can't I still play this music well?

﹣Well,dear,just be ______.It takes time.( )






11.Li Xiaobin is _____ crazy about Yue Yunpeng _____ he knows all his works well.( )

A.so; thatB.such; thatC.too; toD.enough; to



根据Li Xiaobin is _____ crazy about Yue Yunpeng _____ he knows all his works well.可知李晓斌对岳云鹏是如此的痴迷,以至于对他所有的作品都很了解.这里he knows all his works well是一个句子,而且crazy 是一个形容词,所以这里用so that表示如此…以至于.故选A.

【点评】固定句式的题要掌握 固定用法是解题关键.

12.﹣Jack,how's it going with your English?

﹣Not good.I ______ follow my teacher in class.( )





shouldn't不应该;needn't不必;won't将不会;can't不能.根据Not good,可知下面说的是在课上我不能跟上老师的进度.这里用can't.故选D.


13.If you want to send your photos by email,connect the camera _____ your computer.( )





14.Did you pay attention to the teacher?( )

A.listen toB.listening toC.listenD.look


【解答】答案:B,考察动词辨析及句意理解,文中提到pay attention to注意…该短语后面接名词做宾语表示注意什么,由此确定应该用动名词形式,选择B.


15.I got Ann's new address ______ asking her aunt so I could visit her last weekend.( )







A:I failed two subjects this term.I'm so sad!

B:(26) D It might be because you haven't found the best way to learn them.

A:That's what I expect you to help me with.(27) G

B:I really don't know.I can only tell you what I usually do.

A:What do you usually do?

B:(28) F I've developed the habit of previewing and reviewing my lessons before and after class.So I know what we are going to learn before class and I know what the key points of a lesson are after class.

A:(29) A But I sometimes can't take down the key points of the teacher's lesson.

B:Sometimes I have that problem too,but I improve it by checking my notes with other classmates after class.

A:That sounds wonderful!May I check my notes with yours after class?

B:Why not?(30) C

A:Excellent!Thank you very much.












【解答】26.D,考查文章的理解和上下文的联系.根据上一句:I failed two subjects this term.I'm so sad!,可知此处应该是:用"不要担心"来安慰他.故填:D.

27.G,考查文章的理解和上下文的联系.根据下一句:I really don't know.I can only tell you what I usually do.可知此处应该是:询问对方我怎么做.故填:G.

28.F,考查文章的理解和上下文的联系.根据上一句:What do you usually do?,可知此处应该是:告诉他自己平时的学习方法:我听老师讲课,在课堂上认真记笔记..故填:F.


30.C,考查文章的理解和上下文的联系.根据上一句:Why not?,可知此处应该是:继续鼓励对方:我们应该互相帮助,互相学习!.故填:C.



17.I often hear some students say English is difficult,and they can't learn(31) B well.But English is very easy for me.I'm good at it,and I'm very(32) C to tell you something about how I study English.

First,I think an interest in English is very important.When I began to learn English,my teacher often taught us(33) A an active way.It made me become interested in it.I worked hard at it and often got very good marks.The harder I did in it,the (34) B I learned it.As a result,I could do better and better in it.

Second,you'd better have good (35) A to learn it,such as listening to the teacher carefully,speaking bravely and reading aloud every day.(36) C ,you should practice again and again.I also have a good habit.That is whenever I have a problem,I will ask my teacher for help.It really(37) C me a lot.

Besides,I often read stories,jokes and easy novels in English.From them I learn(38) A is not only interesting,but also useful.Reading helps me to review what I have learned and improve my English a lot.So I think doing more(39) B is an important way to learn English well.

Of course,if you want to get good(40) C in an exam,it's necessary for you to do some exercises.I hope my ways can help you.


【解答】31.B.考查代词.A.them 他/她/它们B.it它 C.him他,根据前文 English is difficult英语很难,可知讨论的是"English英语",用代词it代替,故选B.

32.C.考查形容词.A.afraid 害怕的B.worried 担心的C.glad高兴地,根据I'm good at it我擅长英语,后文 tell you something about how I study English告诉你我是如何学习英语的.可知我对讨论英语学习方面的问题,态度是很"高兴地",故选C.

33.A.考查介词.A.in在里面;按照..方式 B.by通过;被;经由 C.at在…,根据题意"老师用一种有效的方式教我们",可知考查短语in+形容词+way 用…方式,介词in表达"用某种方式",故选A.

34.B.查形容词.A.worse 更差B.better根号 C.earlier更容易,根据题干,可知考查the+比较级,the+比较级,意思是越…就越…,根据前文The harder I did in it我学习越努力,可知后面指的是"越好better",意思是"我学习越努力,我学的越好",故选B.

35.A.考查名词.A.ways方法;方式 B.memories 记忆C.hobbies 爱好,根据后文such as listening to the teacher carefully,speaking bravely and reading aloud every day每天仔细听讲,勇敢的说,大声读.可知这些都是学习"方法",故选A.

36.C.考查连词.A.However然而 B.Even if即使 C.What's more而且;另外,根据后文you should practice again and again你应当反复练习,可知这也是一种学习方法,是对前面的进一步补充,故选C.

37.C.考查动词.A.makes使…B.works工作 C.helps帮助,根据I will ask my teacher for help我将会向老师寻求帮助,可知这点对我的学习是有"帮助的",故选C.

38.A.考查名词.A.English英语 B.habits 习惯C.textbooks教科书,根据I often read stories,jokes and easy novels in English我经常用英语读故事、笑话和简单的小说.可知"英语"是很有实用性的,结合后文"not only interesting,but also useful不仅有趣而且有用",故选A.

39.B.考查动词.A.speaking讲话 B.reading读 C.listening 听,题干意思是"什么对学好英语很重要",根据前文Reading helps me to…阅读帮助我…,由此可知多做"阅读"训练对学好英语很重要的.故选B.

40.C.考查名词.A.speeds速度 B.knowledge知识 C.marks 标记;分数,根据题干中短语in an exam在考试中,可知在考试中得到的是好的"成绩或分数",故选C.




There is no quick and easy way to learn English.But there is a simple and good way.Speak English as much as you can.Speak only English with your teacher and your classmates.Speak English while you are either in class or after class.Listen to English as much as you can in class.Listen to your classmates when they speak English out of class.Listen to the radio﹣the Voice of America and watch some English programs on TV.

Speak,listen and read English as much as you can.Don't just read the textbooks that you use in class.Go to the library or to a bookshop and read easier English books.

Speak,listen,read and write English as much as you can.Buy a small notebook and write on it every day.Write about the things that you do during the day.Write about what you learned in class.

These things are not hard,but they are the work you should do.If you do them,with the help of your teacher,you'll learn English well.

根据短文内容,判断下列句子正 (A)、误(B).

A 1.There is not a quick and easy way to learn English.

A 2.We must speak,listen,read and write English as much as we can.

B 3.Speak English neither in class nor after class.

B 4.There isn't a simple way to learn English.

A 5.The best title is"How to learn English".


【解答】1.A.细节理解题.根据"There is no quick and easy way to learn English."没有很快的,很容易的方法来学英语,所以这个句子是正确的,故填A.

2.A.细节理解题.根据"Speak,listen,read and write English as much as you can."要进你所能多说,多听,多读,多写英语.所以这个句子是正确的,故填A.

3.B.细节理解题.根据"Speak only English with your teacher and your classmates.Speak English while you are either in class or after class."和你的老师同学只说英语,不管在课上还是课下都要说英语,这个句子的意思是"课上或课下都不说英语"所以这个句子是错误的,故填B.

4.B.细节理解题.根据"But there is a simple and good way."但是有一个又简单又好的方法,而这个句子的意思是"学英语没有容易方法"所以这个句子是错误的,故填B.




19.假如你叫李华,新学期开始了,你对英语学习有什么样的计划呢?你班本周的英语角活动将围绕"My plan for learning English"这一话题展开讨论.请你为此活动准备一份发言稿,从发音、写作、听力、语法这四个方面来谈谈你的英语学习计划.


My plan for learning English

I'm Li Hua.I love English,but it's hard for me.Here's my plan for learning English in the new term.

With this English﹣learning plan,I believe I can make great progress in the new term.That's all.Thank you.


I plan to listen to the tapes and read the texts aloud.我打算听录音带,大声朗读课文. plan to do sth.计划做某事,listen to the tapes 听录音带


I believe I can make great progress in the new term我相信我能在新学期取得很大的进步.这是一个宾语从句,I believe是主句,后面的是宾语从句.

【解答】My plan for learning English

I'm Li Hua.I love English,but it's hard for me.Here's my plan for learning English in the new term.【开头点明主题】

I have a pronunciation problem.I plan to listen to the tapes and read the texts aloud【高分句型一,注意固定词组的使用】.I can't write English well,so I plan to keep a diary in English and practice writing often.As for listening,sometimes I can't understand what others are saying.I plan to improve myself by listening to English news programs and watching English movies.Grammar is very difficult for me.I will ask my English teacher for help.【正文部分详细介绍计划】

With this English﹣learning plan,I believe I can make great progress in the new term【高分句型二,注意宾语从句的使用】.That's all.Thank you.【结尾紧扣主题】
