

导读1、过去进行时往往表示动作的未完成性,而一般过去时往往表示动作已完成They were building a new dam last winter. They built a new d


They were building a new dam last winter. (在建造中)

They built a new dam last winter. (建好了)


He jumped on to his horse and dashed away. 他跳上马奔驰而去。

My heart was jumping with fear. 我吓得心砰砰跳。

3、过去进行时和一般过去时都可以用于由as, while或when 引导的时间状语从句。有时二者没有区别,有时有区别

(1)由于as和while 本身已清楚地表明时间的延续性,因此可以用一般过去时代替过去进行时,意义无区别

I read a newspaper while I was waiting/ waited. 我边等边读报。

As she sang/was singing, the tears ran down her cheeks. 她边唱歌边流泪。


I was cooking the dinner while he was playing the piano. 我做饭时他弹琴。


I broke a glass while I was cooking the dinner. 做饭时,我打破了一只玻璃杯。


She listened closely while he read. 他朗读时,她仔细地听着。


Phelps got engaged to her when he was travelling last winter. 去年冬天旅行期间菲尔普斯同她订了婚。

但是when的含义比as和while 广些。when 引导的从句与主句的动作可以同时发生,也可以先于主句的动作,也可以在主句动作的过程中

He got more and more excited when (while/as) he talked on. 他越谈越激动。(主从句动作同时发生)

When we arrived, she was making some coffee. 我们到达时,她正煮咖啡。(从句动作发生在主句动作过程中)

When he saw the red light, he stopped the car. 看到红灯他就停了车。(从句动作先于主句动作)

要注意当主句用过去进行时,when 从句位于主句之后时,往往强调动作的突然性,译成汉语时,when-从句译成主句,而主句译成从句

I was taking a walk in a park when I met an old friend of mine. 我正在公园散步时突然遇到我的一位老朋友。

The police were taking the man away when a newspaper reporter appeared. 警察正要将那人带走时,不料来了位记者。


He lived in London. (永久居住)

He was living in London. (暂时居住)


The lady was wearing a black dress. The man was trembling and looking pale. Suddenly a policeman stepped forward from among the crowd.
