

导读11. when the group meet at the airport they will haveB. coffeeI suggest we meet there for coffee at

11. when the group meet at the airport they will have

B. coffee

I suggest we meet there for coffee at 10

12. The group will be met at Munich Airport by

C. a tour operator

when we arrive in Munich, we'll be met at the airport by Claus Bauer. Claus works for a tour operator

13. How much will they pay per night for a double room at the hotel

A. 110 euros

the normal rate at the hotel where we're staying is 150 euros a night for a double room, I'd hoped to get that down to 120 euros, but in fact I've been able to negotiate a rate of 110

14. what type of restaurant will they go to on Tuseday evening

B. a Lebanese restaurant

some of you suggested an Italian restaurant, but I must confess that I decided to book a Lebanese one

15. who will they meet on Wednesday afternoon

C. a theatre director

On Wesnesday afternoon, the director of the play we're going to see that evening will talk to us at the theatre

16. Wednesday

F. The play will be performed for the first time

The play we're seeing on Wednesday evening is a modern one, and we're going to the premiere首次公演

17. Thursday

B. The play was written to celebrate an anniversary

On Thursday we're seeing a play that was first performed last year, when it was commissioned to mark a hundred years since the birth in the twon of a well-known scientist

19. Saturday

G. The performance will be attended by officials from the town

On Saturday, we're going by coach to a theatre in another town, not far from Munich. This will be the opening of a drama festival, and the mayor and all the other dignitaries of the town will be attending

20. Monday

C. The play will be performed inside a historic building

our final play is on Monday, and it's in the stunning setting of the old Town Hall, which dates back to the 14th century